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Chinese Torture
A man is walking through the forest as he is lost. It is starting to get dark and he can see a faint light. He walks towards it and as he gets closer can see that it is a small cabin. He knocks on the door and an old Chinese man opens the door.
"Excuse me sir, I am lost. Do you know what way to do to get out of here?" said the man
"Yes I do. But it is late now. Please, stay here the night and I shall show you in the morning." replied the Chinese man.
The man enters the cabin and as he does, one of the most beautiful women he as ever seen walks down the stairs, and smiles at him.
"My one rule is that you do not touch my daughter, or I will use the three strongest Chinese tortures on you" said the old man. "Your room is upstairs".
The man goes up stairs and is laying in bed and cannot get the old mans daughter out of his mind. He thinks to himself, "Ah ill just go in there, the old man will never know." He walks into the daughters room, and they have sex all night. He returns to his room feel pretty happy with himself and goes to sleep.
When he wakes up the next morning, he wakes up with a large rock on his chest. He looks at the rock and it has a note on it saying "Chinese Torture One - Rock on Chest". He thinks that is a bit weird and throws the rock out the window and sees another note as he drops it, "Chinese Torture Two - Right Testicle Tied to Rock" The man panics and thinks, "Ahh! I have to jump out the window too!" And he jumps out and sees a third note,
"Chinese Torture Three - Left Testicle Tied to Bedpost"