Check your mailbox: This weird 'gift' could be a clever scam targeting you!

As we navigate the complexities of modern life, it's not just the digital world where weneed to stay vigilant against scams; our very own letterboxes can become the frontline in the battle against fraud.

Recently, an unsettling incident in Sydney prompted health authorities to issue an urgent scam warning to residents, highlighting the need for caution when unexpected 'gifts' arrive at our doorsteps.

A Sydney woman's routine trip to her letterbox took a bizarre turn when she discovered an object wrapped in cloth accompanied by a note.

The message on the note was peculiar, to say the least, offering 'A hand-crafted gift and personal remedial therapy for you and your family' and signed off with 'compliments of Our Father'.

It purported to be from the NSW Health Services Incentive and even included phone numbers and an email address, alongside a religious affiliation.

A Sydney woman received a ‘gift’, which purported to be from NSW Health Services. Credit: u/adrienne12345678910 / Reddit

The woman's instincts told her something was amiss. She wisely chose to handle the package with gloves, fearing its contents could be harmful or even poisonous.

Her concern led her to seek advice from the online community, questioning the legitimacy of this so-called gift and whether it was part of a nefarious scheme.

‘Attached is a note around remedial therapy, contact details for NSW Health and a religious sign off,’ she said.

'I hesitate to call the number provided or email as it could be some info collecting scam. I'm wondering if anyone has received anything similar or knows what it is? I have thrown it away, but I'm curious to know what it is all about.'

Her caution was met with support from fellow Aussies, who shared her suspicions and commended her for disposing of the parcel, which she described as a 'hard orange thing'.

The consensus was clear: ‘It reeks of a scam’.

For any concerns or to report a scam, you can reach out to Scamwatch or the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).

You can also head over to our Scam Watch forum to stay updated with the latest tricks scammers use to deceive people out of their money and sensitive details.
NSW Health swiftly responded to the incident, confirming that these 'cards and packages' were fraudulent and not sent out by them.

'NSW Health is aware that cards and packages have been placed in letterboxes in some homes in Sydney falsely claiming to be a “gift” and “remedial therapy” from NSW Health,' they stated.

‘NSW Health will never leave “gifts” in your letterbox.'

The matter has been reported to the police, but it serves as a stark reminder that scams can come in many forms and from any direction—even our own letterboxes.
Key Takeaways

  • Health authorities have warned residents about a new scam involving bizarre 'gifts' left in letterboxes, purportedly from NSW Health.
  • A Sydney woman received a wrapped object in her letterbox with a note claiming it was hand-crafted therapy from a religious entity and NSW Health, arousing suspicion of its authenticity.
  • Residents are cautioned to be vigilant and sceptical of unsolicited items claiming to be from official sources, as these may be part of an information collecting scam.
  • NSW Health has confirmed they do not distribute unsolicited gifts or therapy packages and have reported the scam to the police.
Have you or someone you know encountered a similar situation? How did you deal with it? Share your stories and tips in the comments below.
Only thing like that I have ever received was many yrs ago when a hand drawn paper card was left in the letterbox with a Merry Xmas wish. The drawing appeared to have been done by a child. Checked with neighbours and they had received one as well. There was a wrapped chocolate attached to the piece of paper. Though it was a very sweet gesture so kept the card but threw the chocolate out as I am a very trusting person, not.

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