Can you answer these HSC exam questions correctly? Find out if you're smarter than a Year 12 student!

The high school years are supposed to be some of the best of our lives. We make new friends, discover new passions, and learn more about ourselves than we ever thought possible.

But for many students, the HSC exams loom large as the most daunting obstacle between them and their future plans. The stress and anxiety that comes with preparing for these exams are enough to push even the calmest person over the edge!

With so much pressure on getting good grades, it's no wonder that people often look back on their HSC days with a sense of relief that it's all over and done with.

But while we may not be in school anymore, that doesn't mean we can't test our knowledge and find out if we’ve still got the brains to pass the Year 12 exams! Will you pass it with flying colours?

Without further ado, here are some of the easier multiple-choice questions from last year’s HSC exams, published by the NSW Education Department:

Sidenote: English is not included as it requires written answers


Let the HSC exams commence! Source: Sky News Australia

Standard Maths Exam

Three years ago an appliance was valued at $2467. Its value has depreciated by 15 per cent each year, based on the declining-balance method. What is its salvage value today, to the nearest dollar?

A. $952

B. $1110

C. $1357

D. $1515

2. James invests $5000 at 3 per cent per annum simple interest for two years, while Sally invests $5000 at 3 per cent per annum compounded annually for two years. For the given investments, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. James earns more interest than Sally

B. Sally earns more interest than James

C. James and Sally earn the same amount of interest

D. There is not enough information to compare the interest earned by James and Sally

3. A student is thinking of a number. Let the number be x. When the student subtracts 8 from this number and multiplies the result by 3, the answer is 2 more than x. Which equation can be used to find x?

A. 3(x − 8) = 2 x

B. 3x − 8 = 2 x

C. 3(x − 8) = x + 2

D. 3x − 8 = x + 2


Which subject was your favourite? Source: Unsplash

Business Studies Exam

The role of a cost centre within a business is to monitor and control

A. assets

B. expenses

C. liabilities

D. receipts

2. Consider the following financial information provided by a business.

Revenue: Year 1 - $100 million, Year 2 - $80 million

Gross Profit: Year 1 - $80 million, Year 2 - $60 million

Net Profit: Year 1 - $30 million, Year 2 - $30 million

Which of the following must have occurred between Year 1 and Year 2?

A. Expenses increased

B. Expenses decreased

C. Cost of goods sold increased

D. Cost of goods sold decreased


Which subject did you hate the most? Source: iStock

Legal Studies Exam

What is the minimum age at which children can be held criminally responsible in NSW?

A. 10

B. 14

C. 16

D. 18

2. Police stop a 17-year-old licensed driver and conduct a breath test. A high-range blood

alcohol reading is detected. In which court will the matter be heard?

A. Children’s

B. District

C. Local

D. Supreme


Will you ace this economics exam? Source: Unsplash

Economics Exam

What is the role of the World Trade Organisation?

A. To resolve trade disputes

B. To provide low-interest loans

C. To set tariff rates and subsidy levels

D. To organise countries into trading blocs

2. The data below is for a hypothetical economy.

Year 1: 130 Consumer Price Index

Year 2: 140 Consumer Price Index

Year 3: 148 Consumer Price Index

What is the inflation rate for Year 3?

A. 5.4 per cent

B. 5.7 per cent

C. 6.2 per cent

D. 8.0 per cent


You’re almost done with the mini-test! Source: Medical Daily

Biology Exam

Which is the most effective strategy for treating non-infectious diseases?

A. Hygiene

B. Pharmaceuticals

C. Quarantine

D. Vaccination

2. Glucose levels are maintained by the hormones insulin and glucagon. Which statement best describes the changes in hormone levels of a healthy human soon after a high-glucose meal?

A. Insulin levels fall and glucagon levels rise.

B. Insulin levels fall and glucagon levels fall.

C. Insulin levels rise and glucagon levels fall.

D. Insulin levels rise and glucagon levels rise.


Standard Maths Exam

Question 1: D

Question 2: B

Question 3: C

Business Studies Exam

Question 1: B

Question 2: B

Legal Studies Exam

Question 1: A

Question 2: C

Economics Exam

Question 1: A

Question 2: B

Biology Exam

Question 1: B

Question 2: C

Which question was the hardest? Better yet, how many questions did you answer correctly? Share your total with us below and compare it with the other members for fun!
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My youngest sat her first exam yesterday part one English abd English part 2 today.

Next exam is maths next Thursday abd when I look at her study notes for Maths my mind is boggled.

Glad I'm not sitting it.

I am glad the pressure is off her as she got early entry to uni for nursing , she wants to be a midwife.
The hype over HSC results truly concerns me. Too many students are convinced that their entire future (success, worthiness, and happiness) hangs on it, which is just not the case. Yes, it is good to get high marks, but given how many career changes the average person has in their working life these days, putting so much pressure on our young people is not good for their mental and emotional wellbeing, especially given the other issues they face in our uncertain times.

Pleased to have only got one wrong (Legal Studies Q2).
Scored 8/11. What concerns me is that students doing the exam subjects are under pressure to get the year completed but not prepared for the commitment to put in serious study. If people are prepared for a Career they need to show strong knowledge and willingness to learn. So when it is said that the average person has a number of career changes in their lifetime, I wonder what those Careers actually are. I bet these individuals are driven, committed and willing to work to get what they want. And I also think they are the ones who sat multiple exams.
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I only managed to get half right. The first question was easiest for me as I was a credit manage working with interest rates etc. Also got legal questions right and enjoyed trying the others. Good test.
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The high school years are supposed to be some of the best of our lives. We make new friends, discover new passions, and learn more about ourselves than we ever thought possible.

But for many students, the HSC exams loom large as the most daunting obstacle between them and their future plans. The stress and anxiety that comes with preparing for these exams are enough to push even the calmest person over the edge!

With so much pressure on getting good grades, it's no wonder that people often look back on their HSC days with a sense of relief that it's all over and done with.

But while we may not be in school anymore, that doesn't mean we can't test our knowledge and find out if we’ve still got the brains to pass the Year 12 exams! Will you pass it with flying colours?

Without further ado, here are some of the easier multiple-choice questions from last year’s HSC exams, published by the NSW Education Department:

Sidenote: English is not included as it requires written answers


Let the HSC exams commence! Source: Sky News Australia

Standard Maths Exam

Three years ago an appliance was valued at $2467. Its value has depreciated by 15 per cent each year, based on the declining-balance method. What is its salvage value today, to the nearest dollar?

A. $952

B. $1110

C. $1357

D. $1515

2. James invests $5000 at 3 per cent per annum simple interest for two years, while Sally invests $5000 at 3 per cent per annum compounded annually for two years. For the given investments, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. James earns more interest than Sally

B. Sally earns more interest than James

C. James and Sally earn the same amount of interest

D. There is not enough information to compare the interest earned by James and Sally

3. A student is thinking of a number. Let the number be x. When the student subtracts 8 from this number and multiplies the result by 3, the answer is 2 more than x. Which equation can be used to find x?

A. 3(x − 8) = 2 x

B. 3x − 8 = 2 x

C. 3(x − 8) = x + 2

D. 3x − 8 = x + 2


Which subject was your favourite? Source: Unsplash

Business Studies Exam

The role of a cost centre within a business is to monitor and control

A. assets

B. expenses

C. liabilities

D. receipts

2. Consider the following financial information provided by a business.

Revenue: Year 1 - $100 million, Year 2 - $80 million

Gross Profit: Year 1 - $80 million, Year 2 - $60 million

Net Profit: Year 1 - $30 million, Year 2 - $30 million

Which of the following must have occurred between Year 1 and Year 2?

A. Expenses increased

B. Expenses decreased

C. Cost of goods sold increased

D. Cost of goods sold decreased


Which subject did you hate the most? Source: iStock

Legal Studies Exam

What is the minimum age at which children can be held criminally responsible in NSW?

A. 10

B. 14

C. 16

D. 18

2. Police stop a 17-year-old licensed driver and conduct a breath test. A high-range blood

alcohol reading is detected. In which court will the matter be heard?

A. Children’s

B. District

C. Local

D. Supreme


Will you ace this economics exam? Source: Unsplash

Economics Exam

What is the role of the World Trade Organisation?

A. To resolve trade disputes

B. To provide low-interest loans

C. To set tariff rates and subsidy levels

D. To organise countries into trading blocs

2. The data below is for a hypothetical economy.

Year 1: 130 Consumer Price Index

Year 2: 140 Consumer Price Index

Year 3: 148 Consumer Price Index

What is the inflation rate for Year 3?

A. 5.4 per cent

B. 5.7 per cent

C. 6.2 per cent

D. 8.0 per cent


You’re almost done with the mini-test! Source: Medical Daily

Biology Exam

Which is the most effective strategy for treating non-infectious diseases?

A. Hygiene

B. Pharmaceuticals

C. Quarantine

D. Vaccination

2. Glucose levels are maintained by the hormones insulin and glucagon. Which statement best describes the changes in hormone levels of a healthy human soon after a high-glucose meal?

A. Insulin levels fall and glucagon levels rise.

B. Insulin levels fall and glucagon levels fall.

C. Insulin levels rise and glucagon levels fall.

D. Insulin levels rise and glucagon levels rise.


Standard Maths Exam

Question 1: D

Question 2: B

Question 3: C

Business Studies Exam

Question 1: B

Question 2: B

Legal Studies Exam

Question 1: A

Question 2: C

Economics Exam

Question 1: A

Question 2: B

Biology Exam

Question 1: B

Question 2: C

Which question was the hardest? Better yet, how many questions did you answer correctly? Share your total with us below and compare it with the other members for fun!
The high school years are supposed to be some of the best of our lives. We make new friends, discover new passions, and learn more about ourselves than we ever thought possible.

But for many students, the HSC exams loom large as the most daunting obstacle between them and their future plans. The stress and anxiety that comes with preparing for these exams are enough to push even the calmest person over the edge!

With so much pressure on getting good grades, it's no wonder that people often look back on their HSC days with a sense of relief that it's all over and done with.

But while we may not be in school anymore, that doesn't mean we can't test our knowledge and find out if we’ve still got the brains to pass the Year 12 exams! Will you pass it with flying colours?

Without further ado, here are some of the easier multiple-choice questions from last year’s HSC exams, published by the NSW Education Department:

Sidenote: English is not included as it requires written answers


Let the HSC exams commence! Source: Sky News Australia

Standard Maths Exam

Three years ago an appliance was valued at $2467. Its value has depreciated by 15 per cent each year, based on the declining-balance method. What is its salvage value today, to the nearest dollar?

A. $952

B. $1110

C. $1357

D. $1515

2. James invests $5000 at 3 per cent per annum simple interest for two years, while Sally invests $5000 at 3 per cent per annum compounded annually for two years. For the given investments, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. James earns more interest than Sally

B. Sally earns more interest than James

C. James and Sally earn the same amount of interest

D. There is not enough information to compare the interest earned by James and Sally

3. A student is thinking of a number. Let the number be x. When the student subtracts 8 from this number and multiplies the result by 3, the answer is 2 more than x. Which equation can be used to find x?

A. 3(x − 8) = 2 x

B. 3x − 8 = 2 x

C. 3(x − 8) = x + 2

D. 3x − 8 = x + 2


Which subject was your favourite? Source: Unsplash

Business Studies Exam

The role of a cost centre within a business is to monitor and control

A. assets

B. expenses

C. liabilities

D. receipts

2. Consider the following financial information provided by a business.

Revenue: Year 1 - $100 million, Year 2 - $80 million

Gross Profit: Year 1 - $80 million, Year 2 - $60 million

Net Profit: Year 1 - $30 million, Year 2 - $30 million

Which of the following must have occurred between Year 1 and Year 2?

A. Expenses increased

B. Expenses decreased

C. Cost of goods sold increased

D. Cost of goods sold decreased


Which subject did you hate the most? Source: iStock

Legal Studies Exam

What is the minimum age at which children can be held criminally responsible in NSW?

A. 10

B. 14

C. 16

D. 18

2. Police stop a 17-year-old licensed driver and conduct a breath test. A high-range blood

alcohol reading is detected. In which court will the matter be heard?

A. Children’s

B. District

C. Local

D. Supreme


Will you ace this economics exam? Source: Unsplash

Economics Exam

What is the role of the World Trade Organisation?

A. To resolve trade disputes

B. To provide low-interest loans

C. To set tariff rates and subsidy levels

D. To organise countries into trading blocs

2. The data below is for a hypothetical economy.

Year 1: 130 Consumer Price Index

Year 2: 140 Consumer Price Index

Year 3: 148 Consumer Price Index

What is the inflation rate for Year 3?

A. 5.4 per cent

B. 5.7 per cent

C. 6.2 per cent

D. 8.0 per cent


You’re almost done with the mini-test! Source: Medical Daily

Biology Exam

Which is the most effective strategy for treating non-infectious diseases?

A. Hygiene

B. Pharmaceuticals

C. Quarantine

D. Vaccination

2. Glucose levels are maintained by the hormones insulin and glucagon. Which statement best describes the changes in hormone levels of a healthy human soon after a high-glucose meal?

A. Insulin levels fall and glucagon levels rise.

B. Insulin levels fall and glucagon levels fall.

C. Insulin levels rise and glucagon levels fall.

D. Insulin levels rise and glucagon levels rise.


Standard Maths Exam

Question 1: D

Question 2: B

Question 3: C

Business Studies Exam

Question 1: B

Question 2: B

Legal Studies Exam

Question 1: A

Question 2: C

Economics Exam

Question 1: A

Question 2: B

Biology Exam

Question 1: B

Question 2: C

Which question was the hardest? Better yet, how many questions did you answer correctly? Share your total with us below and compare it with the other members for fun!
How am I so smarter now answering exam questions than I was back in 1976🤦🏻‍♀️
Only answered first Q (answer B?) so far as can't find the correct answers to check how I'm doing, so I'm not wasting any more time doing this exercise if I can't check how I'm doing along the way!
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