Café's $1 surcharge draws mixed reaction—sneaky move or necessary cost?

In the land down under, where the coffee culture is as robust as a finely brewed espresso, a Sydney café has stirred up a storm in a teacup over a $1 surcharge that's left customers with a frosty reception.

The Woodland Café, nestled in the heart of Sydney, has been the centre of a heated debate after imposing a $1 charge on customers who prefer their drinks without ice.

The cost-of-living crisis has sharpened Aussies' focus on their expenditures, and unexpected surcharges are being scrutinised more than ever.

The Woodland Café explained that the surcharge is due to the need to use more juice to fill the cup when ice is omitted.

They argue that ice typically occupies about one-seventh of the glass's volume, and without it, they're pouring more product into each drink.

Australian café defends a $1 surcharge for drinks without ice, citing extra juice required. Credit: Facebook

The juice costs $7, and the café has been transparent about the charge, listing it clearly on the menu.

However, this has kept some customers from feeling that the surcharge doesn't quite pass the 'pub test.'

The debate has spilled over onto social media, with comments ranging from supportive to outraged.

‘Ice costs restaurants and cafes money. Some have expensive ice machines, and they make it themselves.’ one wrote.

‘Others buy ice...If you don't want ice, you're saving the cafe money. It should even out,’

‘It's a sneaky charge, I agree. Sneaky either way and cafes get away with these sneaky charges because customers don't ask or challenge them,’ another customer echoed.

‘You are technically getting more juice, but wow. That's crazy. I have never seen that ever,’ a third person added.

‘It's gross. They are charging more than enough to cover their costs. Do not normalise this. Would two ice cubes be sufficient ... without the cost?’ a different person chimed in.

On the other hand, many have defended the café, acknowledging that the extra juice adds up and that businesses need to cover their expenses.

The hospitality industry faces a tough climate, with venues closing alarmingly.

Customers are tightening their belts as inflation remains high, and business owners are feeling the pinch with rising rent, supplies, and wage costs.

A recent report from CreditorWatch has painted a grim picture, forecasting that one in every 11 hospitality businesses could close their doors for good in the next 12 months.

With such a challenging backdrop, the industry has been cautioned about the surcharges it applies.

Sandy Fitzgerald, a senior lecturer in marketing at RMIT, has advised that additional costs during tough financial times can permanently drive customers away.

‘Businesses argue that surcharges keep their doors open because the operating costs of running a business on certain days are higher (mainly wage-related),’ she said.

‘However, many people have criticised restauranteurs for charging exorbitant surcharges yet failing to deliver good service experiences.’

‘In turn, customers avoid dining during these periods, meaning less income for the business.’

She suggested that businesses examine their operating costs and find creative ways to improve profit margins rather than relying on surcharges.

This isn't the first time a café has been in the spotlight for unusual surcharges.

Earlier this year, another café charged a customer $1 to warm a muffin, and a Perth café added a 90-cent fee to toast a sandwich.

A Melbourne business even implemented a 10 per cent 'peak season surcharge' during the busy December-January period.

A café customer in Melbourne was taken aback when a 15 per cent surcharge was added to the price of his cappuccino on a public holiday, plus an extra fee for using his card.

Outraged customers took to social media to voice their concerns, questioning the reason behind such steep surcharges. You can read more about it here.
Key Takeaways
  • An Australian cafe has defended its decision to impose a $1 surcharge for drinks without ice, attributing it to the extra juice needed to fill the cup.
  • Customers have expressed varying opinions on the surcharge, with some calling it out as 'ludicrous' and 'sneaky,' while others acknowledge the cost implications for the cafe.
  • The cost-of-living crisis and high operating costs in the hospitality industry impact consumers and business owners, leading to closures and careful consideration of applied surcharges.
  • Experts suggested restaurants should examine operating costs and think creatively to improve profit margins rather than relying on surcharges to balance their finances.
Have you encountered similar surcharges at your local eateries? We invite you to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.
It is because they have to give extra juice and THAT costs them money.
Lets say one litre of juice fills six glasses, by adding ice they can get ten glasses out of the litre.
Simple economics.
Some takeaway coffee shops only give you a half a cup of coffee and fill the rest of the cup with froth.
The pubs & clubs always hated me even back in the early days. But the staff got used to me very quickly from the late 70's and even now, as I always stated NO ICE Please. Also had no problems with my drink due to the heat. Drinks never lasted long enough to go warm.
I get a surcharge on public holidays, as long as the staff are being paid properly for having to work while the rest of us enjoy a day off. But some of these surcharges are a total rip off. I understand times are tough for cafe owners but times are tough for everyone atm.
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The pubs & clubs always hated me even back in the early days. But the staff got used to me very quickly from the late 70's and even now, as I always stated NO ICE Please. Also had no problems with my drink due to the heat. Drinks never lasted long enough to go warm.
Me too I have never had ice added
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Vote with your feet and wallets/ purses. If these charges are not openly displayed for customers to see before placing an order, then these charges should be treated as what they really are, "underhanded sneaky surcharge profiteering". I understand every business has to make a profit. No profit, No business. However, when these surcharges are not openly displayed in large print, then they are not being honest with their customers. If you want respect as a retailer, then be honest, Simple as that.
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Our local Coffee Club changed owners and now they don't do Seniors Discount on a Saturday 😠
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would my coffee be cheaper because I dont take sugar? or milk ? use less coffee hold on the milk and what if I dont use salt on my food? The margin on coffee is very much large to accomodate a gram or two of ingredients. it's not a chemical formula or a patented recipe's a bloody cup of coffee. dont be so bloody greedy,,it makes me wonder just how far the management would go to save money what if the milk was a bit suspect ? would you use it or throw it out, what other lengths would you go to save you use the toilet paper both sides???
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