Especially with meat and chicken, I will check for produce with the later expiration date for "maximised" freshness.

About 12 months ago, I purchased prepacked Chicken Maryland from the local Woolworths and on arrival home, i found out that it stunk and unfit for human consumption with an expiration date of about a week. Back to Woolies to return it. It was discovered ALL the Maryland on display was rancid so I was offered free chicken drumsticks as a replacement AND received a full refund for the Maryland!
Especially with meat and chicken, I will check for produce with the later expiration date for "maximised" freshness.

About 12 months ago, I purchased prepacked Chicken Maryland from the local Woolworths and on arrival home, i found out that it stunk and unfit for human consumption with an expiration date of about a week. Back to Woolies to return it. It was discovered ALL the Maryland on display was rancid so I was offered free chicken drumsticks as a replacement AND received a full refund for the Maryland!
Expiry dates, please. Dead meat doesn't breathe.
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Remember this when looking as Use by and Best Before dates:
“Foods marked with a “Use By” date MUST be consumed on or before that date”
“Best Before dates give you an idea as to how long foods will last before they lose quality. Most products will last beyond their “Best Before” date if they are
store properly”

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