Ask Joy: When Feelings are Overwhelming You

Note from the Editor:
This article was kindly written for the SDC by retired psychologist/ member @Joy Straw.
Further resources are available here.

We can, at times, experience feelings that overwhelm us. When we get a dreaded diagnosis of a serious illness, when a sudden tragic death of a loved one occurs or when we see news stories that are so appalling, there can be a sense of being swallowed whole by a combination of overwhelming feelings.

When confronted with devastating news stories or the shock of a serious illness we can be triggered into a wide range of reactions. Finding a way to initially reassure ourselves is very important. Hugging your partner or children, petting the dog/cat, watching a funny video, going for a walk or simply sitting in solitude. Giving ourselves a chance to come to terms with the shock of confronting news is the beginning of healing and gaining some control over our feelings.

At this time, it is important to check up on one another ‘R U OK?’, a simple question that can help start a conversation or bring some control and help to avoid being consumed by negative feelings.

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Some great advice as always.

The only thing I saw the father and his daughters with the blindfolds on. I think it was face mask .
Great idea if they were say walking past the bodies ect as this would be horrific for them. But I thought he shouldn't have kept them on as long .
They had kept the mask on even when they left the building. There was alot of yelling and screaming and people talking loudly. There was nothing bad to see yet the noises around them could have caused serious anxiety with them hearing and not seeing . When our eyes are covered our hearing becomes heighten and it would have made them feel that they were still endangered

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