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An Oldie from the Late Great Dave Allen:
Two young men of a wealthy father had bought a Lamborghini, but where to try it out with all of the speed limits in the UK?
"I know!" The eldest brother said, "let's take it to Ireland. They have lots of country roads there with no-one on them, and they don't have traffic cops."
So there they were, in the West of Ireland, with a long straight road before them and completely empty. They floored it, and the speedo shot up -- eighty, ninety, one hundred, one-twenty. Then, as they came around a slight bend, in the middle of the road was a tractor towing a trailer load of hay bales, one guy driving it and one sitting on the rear mudguard.
Only one thing to do -- the elder brother steered the Lambo through the field gate, just missing the trailer. The Lambo hurtled into the field, rolled over, and exploded in flames.
Paddy on the tractor mudguard looked on in astonishment. "Jasus Pat, we only just got out of that f****g field in time!"