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Aggressive Drivers
My 22 week pregnant daughter left my house the other day with my youngest daughter and 3 year old granddaughter in the back.
She was at the end of my street , waiting to turn onto a busy Canterbury Rd durning peak hour. When the car behind was beeping crazy, they looked behind to see if it was someone trying to get their attention but it wasn't. It was a bloke yelling and putting his fist up and beeping his horn radically.
As soon as the first break came she turned . She is not a slow driver.
A few minutes later they stopped at a red light near Wiley Park. This angry dude pulled up beside them and started yelling again calling my pregnant daughter a 4 eyed skinny bitch and he he then attacked my other daughter calling her a fat bitch and why doesn't she eat some more. ( This daughter is on so much medication including prednisone for her lungs which has made her put weight on)
He was very threatening, they actually thought he was going to get out of his car.
He then took off radically nearly causing an accident.
My son asked why they never called him, as he could have been there in minutes. Thank goodness he never went.
This is not alright to threaten someone like this or speak to someone like this.
They did take a photo of his car and number plate . I told them to report it but pretty sure they won't