Ageing expert reveals the list of food that helps with better sex and longer life

As we age, the pursuit of a fulfilling and healthy lifestyle becomes increasingly important, and according to Ageing Expert Dr Michael Greger, a happy love life is a key ingredient.

Not only can it enhance our overall well-being, but it may also contribute to a longer life.

In his new book, How Not To Age, he delved into the latest research on ageing, sexual health, and brain function.

He also provided practical tips on how to enhance your sex life and overall well-being through dietary changes.

Sex is not just a pleasurable activity; it can also have significant health benefits.

A study that followed over 2,000 men and women for about six years found that those who engaged in sexual activity more frequently had a significantly lower risk of dying.

Those who had sex approximately once a week had half the mortality rate of those who had sex once or less a year, even after taking into account the individual’s age and other health conditions.

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An ageing expert revealed the things that help enhance sex and lengthen one’s lifespan. Image source: Freepik.

The health benefits of sex are attributed to the release of endorphins, feel-good chemicals that decrease inflammation and boost the immune system.

While sex is a form of exercise, it doesn't burn as many calories as one might think.

According to Dr Greger, the average man might burn 21 calories during sex, which is not much more than they'd have spent watching TV on the sofa.

Age is also no barrier to a fulfilling sex life.

A 2016 study in England found that a significant percentage of men (86 per cent) and women (60 per cent) aged 60 to 69 reported being sexually active.

However, approximately half of older men and women reported problems, most often low sexual desire in women and erectile difficulties in men.

Is it the end for those who want to keep the flames of passion bright and burning? Not quite.

Some types of food are known to help improve sexual desire and function.

Dark chocolate, for instance, contains flavonoid phytonutrients that can help open arteries and increase blood flow, which is beneficial for women's sexual function.

The darker and more bitter the chocolate is, the better, as the fat and sugar in milk chocolate can counteract the flavonoids' benefits.

Apples, particularly unpeeled ones as phytonutrients are concentrated in the peel, can also enhance sexual function.

An Italian study found that women who ate apples daily scored significantly higher on an index of overall sexual function than women consuming less than an apple a day.

Soy-based foods can also improve sexual desire in menopausal women.

However, moderation is key, as excessive consumption of soy can lead to an overwhelming increase in desire.

Dr Greger shared the tale of a 44-year-old woman who allegedly sought medical help after she needed to resort to self-pleasure 15 times a day due to overconsumption of soy.

On that note, aromatherapy can also be beneficial.

Women who smelled lavender for 20 minutes twice a day for 12 weeks experienced a significant improvement in menopausal symptoms, including an increase in sexual desire.

Neroli oil, also known as bitter orange, worked even faster.

A five-minute sniff of just 0.1 per cent concentration of the oil led to a significant increase in sexual desire after just five days of continuous use.

For men, having more orgasms can reduce the risk of premature death, according to a study done in Caerphilly, Wales.

However, extramarital sex can increase cardiovascular risk due to the stress and strain it puts on the heart.

In Dr Greger’s own words, this is 'partly because the lover is likely to be younger and more, ahem, exuberant'.

Furthermore, extramarital affairs are more likely to occur after 'excessive' drinking or eating which places even more pressure on the heart.

Two large analyses of autopsy results proved that most sudden deaths among men during coitus occur during extramarital sex.

In addition to sexual health, Dr Greger also discusses the importance of brain health.

He suggested reducing salt intake, eating less meat, fried food, baked goods, and processed foods.

He also recommended getting adequate sleep to maintain brain health and reduce the risk of dementia.

Certain kinds of food can also improve memory and cognitive function—berries and green leafy vegetables, for instance, can slow cognitive aging.

Cocoa, particularly natural cocoa, can raise levels of a neuroprotective protein called BDNF and improve cognitive function.

A fulfilling sex life and a healthy brain are not just desirable goals; they can also contribute to a longer, healthier life.

By making certain dietary changes and maintaining an active sex life, you can enhance your overall well-being and potentially turn back the clock on ageing.
Key Takeaways

  • Regular sexual activity has been linked with a lower risk of dying, potentially due to the release of endorphins that decrease inflammation, according to ageing expert Dr Michael Greger.
  • Consuming certain types of food, such as unpeeled apples and soy products, may improve sexual function and desire, particularly in older women.
  • Maintaining certain dietary habits and lifestyle choices can reduce the risk of dementia and keep cognitive functions healthier for longer.
Do you have other tips on how to stay sexually and physically healthy you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments below!
an apple a day keeps the doctor away. an apple a day helps humping ..........
honestly, now sex is involved with your diet. and here i thought it was something else like just plain humping.
Well I can't eat chocolate so I may as well try the soy and apple.

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