A Few One Liners!
My wife wants me to wear a bracelet that belonged to her grandfather. It says "Do Not Resuscitate."
It's been months since I bought the book, How To Scam People Online. It still hasn't arrived yet.
One good thing about being wrong is the joy it brings to others.
Even rarer than a doctor who can't stand the sight of blood is a lawyer who can't stand the sight of money.
If your palm itches, you are going to get something. If your crotch itches, you've already got it.
My wife and I started role-playing in the bedroom. Her favorite is The Sexy Librarian, where I have to sit quietly while she reads a book.
Being old is when you don't care where your spouse goes, just as long as you don't have to go too.
I want someone I can share my entire life with who will leave me alone most of the time.
Yesterday I bought a world map, gave my wife a dart, and said, "Throw this and wherever it lands, I will take you on vacation." We're spending 3 weeks behind the fridge.