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3 Nuns go into Heave
So three nuns get killed in a car crash and go up to heaven.
Saint Peter is at the Gate of Heaven and he says, I am afraid you are each going to have to answer a question before you can come in.
He says to the first one, they are not going to be hard questions.
Nun 1. What was the name of the first woman on Earth? She says Eve. Saint Peter says, Yep you are in.
Nun 2. Saint Peter says to the second nun, where did Eve live? She says The Garden of Eden. Saint Peter says, Yep you are in
Nun 3. Saint Peter says to Mother superior, your question will have to be a bit tricky for you and says, what did Eve say, when she first saw Adam? The Mother superior thinks long and quizzically says, Ooh that's a hard one. Saint Peter says. Yep you're in.