
Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Perth, Western Australia
2022 Tax Scam

🚨 SCAM ALERT 🚨 Beware of a new email scam about your 2022 tax lodgment.

These fake emails claim to be from the ATO and ask you to open an attachment. The attachment takes you to a fake Microsoft login page designed to steal your password.

Entering your details could allow scammers to steal your login info and use it to access your other accounts, like your banking and online shopping.

🛑 If you get an email like this, don’t open any attachments. Instead, report the email to us and then delete it.

Remember to warn your family and friends to stay scam alert. To report an email that doesn’t seem right, go to
TAX TIME brings out the scammers!
Please beware of attempts to deceive at tax time. The following are some reminders about how to protect yourself.
1. The ATO will never contact you by text message or email to advise of tax owing or refund due.
2. The ATO does not have powers of arrest and any phone message you get threatening arrest is a scam.
3. If you owe tax money, you will be advised by letter which will include details such as your name, address and tax file number.
4. If you get any correspondence you are unsure about, call the ATO to enquire, quoting your tax file number.
5. If you receive unexpected phone calls from a person purporting to be from the ATO, hang up.
6. If you receive any electronic communication asking you to "confirm" your details or click on a link for any reason, delete it immediately.
7. All genuine communication from the ATO to you will be in the form of a letter with verifiable details in it. All communication to the ATO from yourself must be either a phone call to the ATO's listed number or a hard copy letter written by you and sent to their office.

Be careful of approaches by charities asking for "tax deductible" donations. Check that the charity is genuine by calling their listed phone number. Do not give your banking details over the phone in response to an incoming call. If you wish to donate, phone the organization on their listed phone number to make the donation. Simply advise all callers that you do not make donations over the phone and that if you wish to donate you will call their listed phone number. Then hang up. Some of these charities may be genuine, but many are fakes. Always call the charity to check before making any donations.

If it looks suspicious, there is probably good reason for that! Protect yourself. Be safe.
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🚨 SCAM ALERT 🚨 Beware of a new email scam about your 2022 tax lodgment.

These fake emails claim to be from the ATO and ask you to open an attachment. The attachment takes you to a fake Microsoft login page designed to steal your password.

Entering your details could allow scammers to steal your login info and use it to access your other accounts, like your banking and online shopping.

🛑 If you get an email like this, don’t open any attachments. Instead, report the email to us and then delete it.

Remember to warn your family and friends to stay scam alert. To report an email that doesn’t seem right, go to attachment 3785View attachment 3786
You guys are the best. Thank you so much for spreading awareness about the recent scams circulating.

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