‘Felt sick in my tummy’: Parents discover shocking content in Woolworths chip packet

Eating—whether it’s a full meal or a simple snack—should always be an enjoyable experience.

However, discovering something unexpected in your food can be a distressing experience, especially when it’s a health hazard.

This was the unfortunate reality for a Queensland family after a routine snack time turned into a cause for concern.

Katie Herd and her husband Alex were left feeling queasy and worried for their children's health after allegedly finding mouse droppings in a packet of Mamee Rice Snacks Sticks.

The product was purchased from a Woolworths store on the Sunshine Coast on March 23.

In a video that has since circulated on social media, Alex detailed the unsettling discovery.

'My wife didn't realise that there was this little chew-hole here,' he explained.

‘She thought one of our sons had chewed through it, because they were playing with the bag.’

However, upon closer inspection, it became clear that the culprit was not a playful child but a rodent.

Parents Kate and Alex Herd inspecting a snack bought at Woolworths, allegedly contaminated by rodents. Image Credit: TikTok

'As I've got home, I've realised bags have been opened and there's actually rat s*** in here,' Alex said, showing the evidence of contamination and the shredded bag.

'I felt sick in the tummy,' Katie said, expressing her fear over the potential health risks associated with such contamination.

The Herds' concern was not just for the unpleasant surprise but for the health and safety of their young children.

'They’re aged two and one. They could have got really sick. We just want to make sure this doesn't happen to anybody else.'

In response to the incident, Woolworths has reportedly offered the family a $30 gift card as compensation, but the issue goes beyond a simple refund.

The supermarket chain has acknowledged the gravity of the situation.

'We completely understand how concerned the customer must feel, and the incident has been raised with our food safety team as well as the manufacturer,' a spokesperson said.

Woolworths assured that the matter is under thorough investigation.

‘We’ll continue to remain in contact with the customer.’

This incident serves as a reminder to be vigilant when it comes to food purchases.

Here are some tips to ensure the safety of your snacks and groceries:

  1. Inspect Packaging: Before adding items to your cart, examine the packaging for any signs of damage, such as holes, tears, or chew marks that could indicate tampering or contamination.

  2. Check Before You Chew: Before eating any packaged food, especially with children, give it a quick look-over to ensure that the contents appear normal and free from any foreign objects.

  3. Store Safely: Keep your pantry and food storage areas clean to prevent any potential infestations that could lead to contamination.

  4. Report Issues: If you find something different with your products, contact the retailer and the product manufacturer, so they can take appropriate action to prevent future incidents.

  5. Know Your Rights: Familiarise yourself with the store's return and refund policies. In cases like these, you are entitled to a refund or replacement, and if applicable, additional compensation.
Key Takeaways

  • A Queensland mother discovered rodent droppings in a packet of Mamee Rice Snacks Sticks purchased from Woolworths.
  • The couple noticed holes in the packaging and were alarmed as their young children had already consumed some of the chips.
  • Woolworths has reportedly offered the family a $30 gift card as compensation and is conducting an investigation.
  • The supermarket chain has stated that they take food safety-related issues very seriously and are in contact with the customer.
We must be proactive in ensuring that what we bring into our homes is safe for consumption. If you've had a similar experience or have tips on how to ensure food safety, please share your thoughts in the comments below.
Turns me off buying things like this, how many packets have been invaded by mice ???.....yuk
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And to think in days of old weevils in the flour was just another way to get protein😆
I remember my jr high school cooking teacher would tell us to sift the flour to get rid of most weevils. Seemed to just break up the dried up bugs so wasn’t much use. 😆

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