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  1. N

    SDC Trivia Game #490 - 27/09/2024

    So - me again - How is question 1 answer C - becuase even in the answer given by the composer I cannot see how any of the characters names begin with the same letter as the actors who play them. Or am I reading the question wrong? Question 9: so Holi according to google is " Holi is a Hindu...
  2. N

    City council considers reverting Australia Day ceremonies amid community debate

    as we just getting so sensative to every little issue held by every "group" theat the majority have to suffer because of the minority
  3. N

    This simple parking mistake cost a driver $283: ‘That’s kind of dangerous’

    I am currently in the middle of a complaint with my council regarding the placement of rubbish bins by the contractor - wish me luck - the homeowners are great - its the contractor putting them back carelessly
  4. N

    This simple parking mistake cost a driver $283: ‘That’s kind of dangerous’

    let me tell you, people parking or obstructing footpaths is very frustrating, especially when you use a gopher or wheelchair - you have to backtrack to find a way to get off the footpath to use the road (which can be dangerous) to get round the offending vehicle. When it happens to me i always...
  5. N

    The official 3x3 Words Thread!

    a list of words for today's woud be so interesting too see
  6. N

    The official 3x3 Words Thread!

    Every flamin' day, every flamin' day
  7. N

    The official 3x3 Words Thread!

    I really need to read the letters better - I get so one tracked I forget the bigger picture and to check before I open my big gob LOL
  8. N

    The official 3x3 Words Thread!

    since when is lie not a word
  9. N

    The Official SDC Connections Game Thread!

    LOL my brain froze for a moment with the word marrow being a green veggie - then realised my mind went off on a strange tangent making it into mallows as in marshmallows - I now have to go and buy some marshmallows
  10. N

    SDC Trivia Game #479 - 16/09/2024

    congrats to the proof reader you got them right this time
  11. N

    SDC Trivia Game #478 - 15/09/2024

    Again that darn proof reader stuffed my perfect scored - where oh where art thou, my missing proofreader
  12. N

    The Official Crossword Thread

    took a while to remember the name of all oceans LOL
  13. N

    The Official SDC Connections Game Thread!

    since when was butter cheese
  14. N

    The Official Crossword Thread

    so the opposite of dead,active and breathing is "living" - hmmm me thinketh someone didn't proof read again maybe dead, inactive and non-breathing
  15. N

    SDC Trivia Game #475 - 12/09/2024

    The proof reader stuffed my perfect score yet again - time to get a new proof reader or at least one who actually reads the question and answer
  16. N

    The Official SDC Connections Game Thread!

    so as I understand it gaol, goal, objective and target means aim (as in for something to get), however I believe gaol means jail and I believe noone (well I hope so) ever aims to go to jail so hmmmm why is gaol listed as an aim. Also intertwine - while plait, twist and braid may mean that -...
  17. N

    SDC Trivia Game #473 - 10/09/2024

    Question 5: I went into the depths of my imagination looking at otters drifting on the cold ocean holding hands and then tried to remember which side of the largest continent they were playing and then worked out which ocean it was - I know I have a weird thought process
  18. N

    The official 3x3 Words Thread!

    Interesting word today, learned a new word mzee it means: An elder (East African English) a person who is respected because of their age, experience or authority; an elder.
  19. N

    SDC Trivia Game #471 - 08/09/2024

    no another family member - found innocent - thank goodness for good lawyers
  20. N

    SDC Trivia Game #471 - 08/09/2024

    So i read trial as when you are actually in court - not the preliminaries and afterwards included - my experience is the 2-3 days.
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