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  1. OzBrown

    Are you prepared for a shocking increase in electricity prices? Find out how it will impact your wallet!

    It is hard with Technology taking jobs, but with the new meters you can have Solar also see what Power you are using at what times in the day to help understand what is using the power. What is really sad is now we see lots of jobs go, Supermarkets, Department stores, Service stations (when...
  2. OzBrown

    Are you prepared for a shocking increase in electricity prices? Find out how it will impact your wallet!

    That is why it is a mix of sources, Wind, Solar, Batteries, in some areas Hydro. Have a look at SA and also UK they have gone over 24 hours with only using Renewables and is getting better all the time to reduce Gas Peaker Plants which as the most expensive Electricity that we use, causing...
  3. OzBrown

    Are you prepared for a shocking increase in electricity prices? Find out how it will impact your wallet!

    Check the cost of Renewables it is cheaper, but the suppliers want to hide the cheap power to make more money. Do a search on figures given to Gov on power cost for each fuel type and Coal is the most costly.
  4. OzBrown

    Are you prepared for a shocking increase in electricity prices? Find out how it will impact your wallet!

    This will impact Electricity bills for those retired on pensions. As the Pension is always 6 months behind and uses data from the previous 12 months. So this will impact hard, What about those in Victoria, Tasmania and ACT as I do not see there price increases mentioned.
  5. OzBrown

    Today Show host Karl Stefanovic exposes truth about how the government is treating pensioners! - ‘What is going on?’

    But not in there homes, in a Rental in a suburb where their are a lot of Elderly pensioners. So they can see what really happens not what their advisors tell them.
  6. OzBrown

    Today Show host Karl Stefanovic exposes truth about how the government is treating pensioners! - ‘What is going on?’

    Remember in 1967 we had a referendum to allow Indigenous Australians to Vote and be fully part of the Constitution with all benefits, including a Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait set up to look after them.. Now they want to add Race back into the Constitution, does not make sense.
  7. OzBrown

    Today Show host Karl Stefanovic exposes truth about how the government is treating pensioners! - ‘What is going on?’

    All I see is a decreases each time in Pension as it is a percentage of the what the Media say. Look up the Calc in DSS Gov site, Power bills in each state vary so do not back on you getting a State base increases to cover any bills. The first paragraph says CPI but read the last table and you...
  8. OzBrown

    Today Show host Karl Stefanovic exposes truth about how the government is treating pensioners! - ‘What is going on?’

    It is not fully adjusted, I suggest you go look at the Actual Pension Payment and increase paid at each adjustment. it is not FULL it is a percentage. look at this Webpage under the Government on how it is done. and you will see it is not what Media etc make it out to be. Read the last section...
  9. OzBrown

    Today Show host Karl Stefanovic exposes truth about how the government is treating pensioners! - ‘What is going on?’

    Our they have expenses like Gas, Electricity, food, etc going up in Cost, let alone any other costs to live. Transport, Doctors, Medical, Clothes, the list goes on. Think of your weekly/monthly costs to live list them see how much it really costs, even take out the Daily coffee you buy for a bit...
  10. OzBrown

    Today Show host Karl Stefanovic exposes truth about how the government is treating pensioners! - ‘What is going on?’

    You need to look at the formula for Pension Increase it is not based on the CPI fully or Avg Income it is a formula that produces a much less figure. This is from a simple English explanation of how it is done:- Most pensions are indexed twice each year (on 20 March and 20 September) by the...
  11. OzBrown

    Beware! New Virus Targeting Android Devices Puts Millions at Risk - Here’s What You Need To Know

    Install Trend Micro and also under your account on Play Store there is a check for possible Apps that are an issue. Play Store remove apps that are infected as they are highlighted to Google. This news is old also, as they have been around for many years and removed from Play Store
  12. OzBrown

    The hidden $30 Coles fee that has shoppers fuming - were you aware?

    We have used online shopping with Woolworths for about 4 years and have found that they pick the order just before delivery, this includes delivery to boot of car pickup, and then say they do not have stock, yet when I go pickup something they missed they have stock on the shelves. This is so...
  13. OzBrown

    Battle of the Generations: Is Smartphone Dominance Excluding Our Seniors?

    I think the point is that he mentions Apps, older generation do not understand how to use Apps like, Viber, Whatapp, Skype etc. or even a Smartphone
  14. OzBrown

    Battle of the Generations: Is Smartphone Dominance Excluding Our Seniors?

    The biggest issue is the cost of a Smartphone to preform the functions required for any sort of Payment or Bank interaction. This excludes a lot of older people as they cannot afford a $1500 smartphone let alone the Mobile plan to allow Data and Voice each month, specially when a lot are on...
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