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  1. R

    Paddy and the Leprechaun

    Paddy and the Leprechaun Paddy is stumbling home from the watering hole when he stumbles and falls and lands on a Leprechaun pinning him down. He quickly realizes what it is in front of him and grabs it tightly. He says "Ive got ya now, I aint gonna blink, I aint gonna let ya go, I aint gonna...
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    Book Titles

    Book Titles Does anyone else remember the funny book titles we used to make up as kids? Here are a few examples I remember, please feel free to add any others. Russian Escapee by Ima Nickenoff Bungee Jump by Willy Makeit Footpath Splatter by Bette Dont Rusty Bedsprings by I. P. Nightly...
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    Mick & Paddy

    Mick & Paddy Mick and Paddy are staggering home late one night from the local watering hole When they arrive at the hostel where they are staying, they realize the place is locked and they cant get in As they are standing there looking at the door trying to figure out how to get in, Paddy...
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    The Out-House

    The Out-House Another oldie.... Two boys fooling around in the field decided it would be fun to knock over the old out-house They placed themselves either side of it and started a rocking motion that slowly leaned the out-house further and further off centre until finally it rocked over...
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    Dave and Mable

    Dave and Mable Dave and Mable go to the cinema to watch a flick while sitting comfortably, the movie starts rolling and the lights dim. Dave turns to Mable and whispers "Mable, can I stick my finger in your belly button?" she says "Why sure Dave" A minute later Mable says "Dave... that aint my...
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    Falling Brick

    Falling Brick A builder working on the 30th floor of a new construction accidentally drops a brick. As it is falling the worker realizes there is a person directly below and it is going to land fully on his head so he yells at the top of his voice "FALLING BRICK !!!" The person below looks up...
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    The Little Old Man

    The Little Old Man A little old man walking down the street sees a truck navigating its way back and forth trying to get into 3 car parking spaces. The little man walks over to the truck and calls through the window "What are you thinking, you will never get that big truck into those three...
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    Trucker and the Parrot

    Trucker and the Parrot So there's this trucker who has a regular run that takes a few days to complete, to keep him company on these long trips he has a pet parrot that loves to travel with him. He is cruising along the highway when he spots this gorgeous woman hitch-hiking, he stops, opens...
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    Arthur Wankbrake

    Arthur Wankbrake A man driving down the road is suddenly stopped by a local cop The cop asks his name to which he replies "Arthur Wankbrake" The cop then asks where he works to which he replies "Balls, Balls, Bigger Balls and Bearings" The cop shakes his head and tells him to get on his way. A...
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    The Hippy

    The Hippy So this trucker was doing his run from Perth to Sydney when he come across this Hippy on the side of the road with his thumb out, transistor radio pressed firmly to his ear while swaying and muttering "cool man, cool" The trucker stops the truck next to him and opens the door and...
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    Did You Ever Cheat?

    Did You Ever Cheat? Here's an oldie but a goodie for you. Three men arrives at the Pearly Gate and are asked by St Peter "Did you ever cheat on your wife?" The first man say, "No I never once cheated was not even tempted" St Peter says "That is truly amazing and you shall be rewarded. Do you...
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