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  1. I

    Cut your grocery costs: Aussies save through alternative shopping methods

    Seems like a good idea and if I find something similar near where I live I am interested. But be buggered if I will support any interstate business.
  2. I

    Eggs-traordinary controversy: Social media chef scrambles traditional cooking with her recipe

    It is bewildering why anyone could be butt hurt over cooking methods for scrambled eggs!!!! Cooking them in water is brilliant and most likely healthier. I wish I had thought of it.
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    Why are Australians resisting cashless future despite digital payment bloom?

    When statistics are quoted for cash withdrawals, is that only counting ATM withdrawals? I suspect that is the case. What appears to be forgotten is cash withdrawals from supermarket and hardware chain checkouts, service stations, department stores, convenience stores and clubs/pubs. I submit...
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    Popular electric vehicle explosion left firefighter's face burned

    There are arguments aplenty both for and against EVs. I am a retired theoretical physicist who started out as a mechatronic engineer. I have watched the development of EVs with great interest and been amazed at how quickly they appeared on the market. This is my opinion only but I have serious...
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    Save up to $443 on your energy bills with this simple strategy!

    Yes it is and also the opinion of every sane voter who heeded the warning that "It won't be easy under albanesy." Got a problem with that?
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    Tributes pour for renowned South Australian statesman Steele Hall as he passes away at 95

    Excellent Liberal Premier and Senator. The Hon Steele Hall was an inspiration to many and was exemplary in his work. Sadly his vision was trashed by liebour.
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    Neighbour's request leaves Aussie homeowner 'shaking and fuming'

    Disagree all you like, I don't care. I stand by my comment. The neighbour has the right to peace and quiet in his own home. In this case the kid is learning that disrespect and apathy are ok. Children need to be taught manners and consideration. If they were there wouldn't as many little...
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    Neighbour's request leaves Aussie homeowner 'shaking and fuming'

    What a self centred, self entitled woman setting a fine example to her son. NOT! I am most definitely with the neighbour on this. Clearly this Renee woman has no respect or consideration for her neighbours. The fact that she is playing with her 5 year old son has nothing to do with it, she is...
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    Government unveils bold plan to slash energy bills

    Think whatever you like. I have not abused you in any way but if you want to take that way or if the cap fits. Twisting things that other people say to you, and that you don't like is highly unprofessional. If I receive graphs from a credible source, then even if I don't like their message...
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    Government unveils bold plan to slash energy bills

    Not sure what you are trying to achieve by posting the same message twice. In response though yes engineering is an interesting profession. I will not waste my time dealing with the majority of your drivel, trying to impress me, other than to say that if I receive graphs and other data from...
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    Government unveils bold plan to slash energy bills

    You make me laugh. It is not I who has need to explain myself more clearly. It is you who needs to read properly and pay attention when facts are presented to you. Three times I told you the exact same thing but you were clearly pre-occupied with your own self indulgence. I am very confident...
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    Government unveils bold plan to slash energy bills

    Now you have proven beyond all doubt that you have no idea what you are talking about. The chart you posted is correct 0.03% = 300PPM. But you have simply taken that at face value and made the assumption that CO2 concentrations at 420PPM which is 0.042% of total atmosphere and man has...
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    Government unveils bold plan to slash energy bills

    Clearly you just don't get it do you? 0.03% of 420PPM is NOT 300PPM. You have failed a grade 5 primary school mathematics exam. Try the maths again. I am still waiting
  14. I

    Government unveils bold plan to slash energy bills

    Well well, you have once again proven your ignorance to science and mathematics. Well done son!!!! Man has contributed 0.03% of 420PPM of CO2. NOT 300PPM. 0.03% = 0.0003. So the maths is 420PPM x 0.0003 = 0.126PPM. That is 1.26 parts in 10 million. Now, tell me exactly, how such a miniscule...
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    Government unveils bold plan to slash energy bills

    You have demonstrated your ignorance of climate change admirably. Nobody disagrees that our climate is changing, just like it always has from time immemorial. The notion that climate change is anthropogenic has been debunked so many times but it appears that the message has failed to be...
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    Government unveils bold plan to slash energy bills

    Science? Is that what you think it is? We have not contributed any more than 0.03% of the 0.04 of CO2. You have been lied to and are gullible enough to blindly believe it. Graphs do not prove anything especially if they are from spurious sources. My apologies for introducing you to real science...
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    Government unveils bold plan to slash energy bills

    Yeah right. CO2 makes up 0.04% (420 PPM) of the earth's atmosphere. Of that 0.03% is anthropogenic. So that miniscule amount of man made CO2 is the switch that makes for catastrophic climate driven events? What a joke! If CO2 levels get below 200 PPM flora begins to die off and fauna follows...
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    Government unveils bold plan to slash energy bills

    You really believe this government is not useless and inept? Oh that is so precious. Anthropogenic global heating? ROTFLMAO
  19. I

    Government unveils bold plan to slash energy bills

    Funny how this inept bunch of fools that pretends to be in government created the cost of living crisis, created power shortages, set unrealistic targets that they called net zero, exacerbated homelessness and numerous other displays of incompetency. Now they are trying to look like saviors...
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