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  1. L

    Joke ''Do You know Who I Am?''

    At RAAF Laverton in the late sixties there was a Squadron Leader Plenty. He insisted on answering the phone "Plenty Here". The generl response was; "Well there's none here. Why don't you send some over?" He obviously enjoyed it because he never chaqed his ways.
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    Look what this woman discovered lurking in her swimming pool filter

    That looks like a legless lizard. The look very much like a snake but you wont see it flicking a forked tongue out.
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    This Driver's ‘Note’ to Other Motorists Caused a Stir: Find Out What It Says!

    I like the way Tasmania puts it on their speed signs - It's a limit not a challenge'. Just because the speed 'Limit' is 60K or 100K you DO NOT do that speed all the time. The rule that you MUST adhere to is 'Drive to the condition' If it is raining, foggy, heavy traffic, damaged road surface etc...
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    Joke Creepie Crawlies

    Oh yeah. Especially Huntsman.
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    Cadbury's bizarre response to customer complaint leaves fans shocked - ‘Are you serious?’

    I can't understand why people insist on jumping on to soial media when they have a problem like this. First point of contact is the vendor then the manufacturer. Some time ago I had an issue with a packet of Ginernuts. I contacted the manufacturer and advised them of my issue. I recrived a...
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    Joke Such A Nice Woman.

    Sooo good and oh so true. Your reap what you sow
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    Locals want this creek renamed over concerns of racism. Do you agree?

    Just to expand a little on this. Black Gin was a reference to Native Women. However, south of Townsville is Yellow Gin Creek which is a reference go Chineese Women. Discrimination in the past was towards anyone other than white. Look to eliminating ALL discrimination, remember it was the...
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    Neighbourhood feud over cats starts heated debate online: Should cats be allowed to roam outside unsupervised?

    We have had several cats and currently have two plus two dogs. Our cats have always been restricted to indoors (Cost of an outside enclosure was and is still prohibitive for us). I am a firm believer that cats MUST be restricted in their movements because they are a threat to wildlife. Don'e...
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    Confused Queensland resident mulls action on ‘very harsh’ $96 infringement fine

    Sorry, but I think the fine is OK, unusual in a suburb yes but I would suggest there have been complaints. Looking at the photo, the vehicle is parked on the driveway blocking part of the footpath. There appears to be apmle room withing the property boundry to park the car on the driveway...
  10. L

    Joke If You're out Of Shape, Try This!

    This is great! I'm getting into this excersie program right away. :)
  11. L

    Aussie bullied online for criticising a racy advert – which side are YOU on?

    Showing female bottoms in underwear/swimware is just part of the problem. Look at the shoe stores showing womens ankles. They should be publicly whipped. Let's face it. Societies views on morals and modest is constantly changeing. Sometime for the worse and sometimes for the better. Be vary...
  12. L

    Can you answer this simple ROAD RULE question?

    The rule here is - when you have the dotted line at the end, then the orange car MUST give way. However, when the line ceases (that is there is no dotted line) then the car in front (in this case the orange car) has right of way. The easy way to remember this is the dotted line is a ‘Give Way’...
  13. L

    Drivers warned about toll road text scam after hundreds of victims come forward

    I got an almost identical one but picked it as false. My main question is if Linkt knew of the scam WHY DIDN'T THEY DO THE RIGHT THING AND ADVISE EVERYONE. Tipical though, more interestred in their profits than helping those that supply those profits.
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    Nonna's BRUTALLY honest reaction to trying Starbucks coffee for the first time

    I agree with Nonna. I drink black coffe, no sugar. Have done for years. Like all things, it's a matter of personal taste. I used to like Maccas coffee until they change to their "Australian" blend. I probably realy like about 30% of the coffees I buy and would say about another 30% are...
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