Cash is best! It can't be hacked and there is no battery to worry about and governments cannot track your spending. That said , I do use my internet to pay for utilities and insurance and large purchases.
We have looked into downsizing our home but a house we would like is not financially feasible as the house and location and taxes give us a neutral financial benefit. Also the quality of new buildings are not as good as our current house.
CEO's, bankers and parliamentarians etc get bonuses for just working a couple of years but lowly jo blo worker gets shoved! You are only a number in any organization so don't be loyal, just work get your pay and don't care about your employer.
We are grandparents and great grandparents but would never disappear from our family for such a long time. Grandchildren and great grandchildren give more to us than a life on board a cruise ship would ever give us.