What a bloody crock of $#@%. A rite of passage??? Never heard that before. Didn't have it in my schools late 60's to late 70's, however, was used in my career, quite a bit in th 90's to somewhere in the early 20's.
Does one have to 'physically' scan the item? Does the scanner automatically scan it? If the machine does not automatically scan an item, then it leaves room for stealing.
As a matter of fact, I know that in SA it is an offence to drive below the posted speed limit as it "hinders the flow of traffic". And it is a fineable offence.
If you say you are not messy.......
A clean desk is a sign of a sick mind.
Learned that from a previous long held job. So yeah, you/we do belong in the well above average crowd.
I am New South Wales by birth. Moved around Oz a bit, landed in Radelaide 1998. That's 26 years ago. Live in the Adelaide Hills. Which I believe is the heart of SA wine country. An hour or so to just about anywhere, Barossa, MacLaren Vale, Murray Lands, Fleurieu Peninsula. We have Adelaide...
This is the third time this gentlemans plight has been posted.
Is there any way, we as a group can assist?
That is, a petition for the Federal minister of Transport?