'It's cruel': Council's recent actions towards homeless individuals shocks locals

The Australian dream always included owning a home that could accommodate your family's needs.

However, many Aussies still face the grim possibility of homelessness.

In a move that has sparked controversy and concern, a council has been accused of taking a harsh stance on the problem.

The City of Moreton Bay, a local government area in the northern region of Brisbane, recently implemented its second homeless clearance in a single day.

Four of the eight residents at Suttons Beach Park in Redcliffe were given a mere 48 hours to pack up their lives and leave the area last Friday.

On top of the displacement, compliance notices also threatened residents with fines of over $8,000.

Homeless individuals were forced to stay in public places due to lack of housing options. Image Credit: Pexels/Mart Production

This move raised alarm bells for citizens directly affected by the move.

The compliance notices were served Friday evening and cited a violation of a council ordinance prohibiting 'storing goods on public land'.

The residents, who had property to call their own, were essentially being told that their personal belongings were not welcome in the public eye.

Beau Haywood, the founder of local food charity Nourish Street, expressed his dismay at the situation.

'I think they're trying to make homelessness illegal in Moreton Bay,' Mr Haywood shared.

This sentiment echoed the fears of many who saw these actions as a punitive approach to a complex issue.

In response to some community members' disappointment, a spokesperson for the City of Moreton Bay insisted that the council was not attempting to outlaw homelessness.

However, the notice warned that failure to comply could attract a penalty ranging from 5 to 50 penalty units.

These units could translate to fines between $806 and $8,065.

However, only a court can impose fines greater than the lowest amount.

Yet, the threat of such a hefty penalty still loomed for those with little to no resources.

While shocking, the situation at Suttons Beach Park was not an isolated incident.

Police directed the residents of another tent city at Woody Point to vacate the area within seven days.

Last December, the council amended local laws to ban people from keeping pets in public spaces or living in vehicles.

While no fines have been issued for these new laws, warning notices have been distributed.

These changes forced some individuals out of their cars and into tents.

Many homeless residents also reported that the state government staff did not offer any temporary emergency accommodation.

The local council issues these temporary accommodations during massive clearances.

A spokesperson for the housing minister countered this claim.

The department's critical response team 'offered temporary emergency accommodation to every person they interacted with on-site'.

Local Trent Heselden has lived in the park with his partner for nine months and has been on the social housing waiting list for six years.

Heselden expressed his uncertainty and frustration with the wait times.

'Are we just moving from park to park and hope that they don't kick us out of this one today?' he asked.

'Just living like that, like on a string, it's cruel.'

Another resident, Alan (surname withheld), shared his worries about continuously moving without a clear destination.

Alan highlighted the lack of viable options for those in his situation.

The council stated that it had engaged with eight people and issued four warnings for camping in areas reserved for community events and businesses.

They also noted that other notices were related to camping with animals, which was against local laws.

On a broader scale, the council spokesperson mentioned a 90 per cent increase in the number of people experiencing homelessness over the last decade.

This statistic underscored the growing challenge that the region continues to face when it comes to homelessness.

Premier David Crisafulli emphasised the importance of balancing the right of individuals to enjoy public spaces with the need to provide shelter for the vulnerable.

'I've seen the images, and I've seen the frustration from not only the community but also our MPs in the local area,' Premier Crisafulli shared.

The situation in Moreton Bay raised questions about how society treats its vulnerable members.

It also served as a stark reminder that the issue of homelessness is more than a personal crisis; it is also a societal one that should need understanding and sustainable solutions.
Key Takeaways

  • The City of Moreton Bay council issued notices threatening fines for homeless residents for violating a council ordinance.
  • Homeless residents have been given short deadlines to vacate certain public areas, with the risk of receiving fines between $806 and $8,065.
  • A local food charity founder, Beau Haywood, argued that the council tried to criminalise homelessness.
  • The City of Moreton Bay saw a 90 per cent increase in homelessness over the last decade.
We invite you to share your thoughts and experiences on this matter in the comments below. Have you seen or heard of similar laws in your state? How should local councils address homelessness? Feel free to discuss and share your thoughts and opinions with us in the comments section below.

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Shame on you Moreton Bay council and representatives. Nobody wants to be homeless and there is certainly no dignity in being homeless. Have some compassion. To all councils, instead of wasting countless millions on useless fire works each year try spending the money to provide temporary housing to these socially disadvantaged people.
the greed of owners and thuggery of councils makes me so angry. People are not usually homeless without a reason. Some are by choice but most are not. This country has allowed so many people to move here from overseas, it's no wonder that there isn't room for our own. I realise that some waste their money on drugs, drink and gambling but most don't do that.. I know what I'm talking about. I took in recovering addicts for over 7 years. I had a constant fight with mould and mildew so spent over $30,000 on the house (which belonged to my eldest son) but I ended up the homeless one when son took me to Court and had me evicted. I well know what homelessness is. I now live alone in a unit and am lucky that at the moment my rent is reasonable.
Shame on you Moreton Bay council and representatives. Nobody wants to be homeless and there is certainly no dignity in being homeless. Have some compassion. To all councils, instead of wasting countless millions on useless fire works each year try spending the money to provide temporary housing to these socially disadvantaged people.
There must be somewhere to put these people even if its only old jail buildings. Have more of a think govt. and see what you can come up with instead of fines which will obviously not be paid!! There must be vacant spots somewhere - even a few nights in someone's shed would be better than being out in the rain for example!
Wouldn't it be nice if the Council Set up some land with access to water, power and basic amenities to actually help these people.
They are called camping grounds.

Most councils, with the exception of high density urban areas, have such facilities.

The City of Moreton Bay has such areas, namely Beachmere Caravan Park, Bells Caravan Park, Bongaree Caravan Park, Donnybrook Caravan Park and Toorbul Caravan Park.
the greed of owners and thuggery of councils makes me so angry. People are not usually homeless without a reason. Some are by choice but most are not. This country has allowed so many people to move here from overseas, it's no wonder that there isn't room for our own. I realise that some waste their money on drugs, drink and gambling but most don't do that.. I know what I'm talking about. I took in recovering addicts for over 7 years. I had a constant fight with mould and mildew so spent over $30,000 on the house (which belonged to my eldest son) but I ended up the homeless one when son took me to Court and had me evicted. I well know what homelessness is. I now live alone in a unit and am lucky that at the moment my rent is reasonable.

the greed of owners and thuggery of councils makes me so angry. People are not usually homeless without a reason. Some are by choice but most are not. This country has allowed so many people to move here from overseas, it's no wonder that there isn't room for our own. I realise that some waste their money on drugs, drink and gambling but most don't do that.. I know what I'm talking about. I took in recovering addicts for over 7 years. I had a constant fight with mould and mildew so spent over $30,000 on the house (which belonged to my eldest son) but I ended up the homeless one when son took me to Court and had me evicted. I well know what homelessness is. I now live alone in a unit and am lucky that at the moment my rent is reasonable.
Why on earth did your son kick you out? How awful for you does he ever contact you? he should be ashamed of his self.
So sad for all these people being evicted and l agree Albanese has a lot to answer for .l too know what it's like to have nothing and l feel sorry for these poor people
Yes, there are camping grounds but during the summer most are entirely booked out with holiday makers. At Margaret River the council opened up new camping areas for the season this year due to the overload and folks camping in the bush and around town facilities last year. It still is not enough as the volume of holidayers, seasonal workers, travellers, itinerants and homeless trying to live in vans, tents and cars, or simply sleeping rough, has outpaced the new supply. It may be called the housing crisis but it's more an accommodation crisis. Councils and state govs will have to get more creative with their legislation and make legal situations that have not been accepted in the past or present. Residents will have to become more tolerant of the differing needs in our society. The govs may be building as fast as they manage but the itinerant living issue is easily outpacing them. Solutions for shelter, potable water and waste disposal need to be faster and wider.
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instead of the threats and fines from Councils why in the name of heaven don't they get with Dept of Housing and fix up the hundreds of empty houses so people can rent them and have somewhere decent to live or does this make too much sense. Stop wasting millions on Olympic Games and get on with real life.

Maxine Johns <[email protected]>​

14:58 (2 minutes ago)


to contact

Please Dear Friends I need your help thanks to this bloody computer up to it's usual tricks.
This morning I read your article re mould and mildew and how sick it can make you. You may remember that I've written many times about mould and mildew. This morning's article amazed me as I've only heard of Pseudomonas which I was diagnosed with almost 30 years ago by an ENT Specialist. GP's don't know so ignore me. I've got a few problems that are almost unknown to normal doctors and I've just lost my 7th doctor in about the same amount of years since my beautiful doctor of 25 years retired. I actually lasted only 5 minutes with one doctor who who got up from his chair, opened the door and announced "nothing I can do for you" and walked out.
Here's where I need your help. The article I read this morning mentioned two other diseases similar to mine which I haven't heard of and I doubt the medico's in Bundaberg have any knowledge of them. I had planned to write down the names of these diseases when I finished reading your page plus the news. Unfortunately this computer had other ideas and the article has totally disappeared. Not unusual.
I ask my friends if you could send me the names of the diseases so I may be able to educate the ignorant doctors of this town.
Thank you for any assistance given.
Maxine Foster (Gamiry)
3/14 Water Street
Bundaberg South 4670
Why on earth did your son kick you out? How awful for you does he ever contact you? he should be ashamed of his self.
So sad for all these people being evicted and l agree Albanese has a lot to answer for .l too know what it's like to have nothing and l feel sorry for these poor people
I have no idea why Kerry did what he did but I suspect it had a lot to do with his wife who only wanted the kids to know her mother. After the house was completely renovated, they put up the rent to an illegal amount and then the visit to Court where the bloke on the bench (A JP junior to me) kept telling me "it's his house, he can do what he wants" . All the evidence I took with me wasn't even looked at. Next, 2 cops and son's solicitor turned up and escorted me off the property. Son was not short of money, he was a Lt Colonel in the Australian Medical Corp. I haven't seen children or grandchildren for over 15 years and only found out last year I have 2 Great Grandchildren. I doubt any of the Grandies even suspect what the family have done. Fortunately I have wonderful friends so life isn't too bad.
As for this article I don't know how it got in here as it went to the office, not in here and Tricia was kind enough to get on it immediately. Looks like my computer is up to it's old tricks again.
I don't believe it's all Albo's fault. I dread to think what the alternatives are.
Bloody useless governments of all sides are to blame for the poor people who are homeless right now ! They have known for years that Australia has an aging population ! They also have all bought thousands of people into the country without any thought for the infrastructure of this country to house everyone. So many of the people homeless now is because of the economy, losing their homes because the rates and costs of everything went up so high, and no help anywhere ! So they had no alternative but buy tents to live in, and the lousy councils especially in the touristy places don’t want them to be seen in their areas, so are threatening with huge fines if they don’t move on.
This country is so far from the lucky country it once was ! Mostly because there has been no decent people leading it who want the best for its people, they are all from councils to prime ministers out to line their own pockets.
Bloody useless governments of all sides are to blame for the poor people who are homeless right now ! They have known for years that Australia has an aging population ! They also have all bought thousands of people into the country without any thought for the infrastructure of this country to house everyone. So many of the people homeless now is because of the economy, losing their homes because the rates and costs of everything went up so high, and no help anywhere ! So they had no alternative but buy tents to live in, and the lousy councils especially in the touristy places don’t want them to be seen in their areas, so are threatening with huge fines if they don’t move on.
This country is so far from the lucky country it once was ! Mostly because there has been no decent people leading it who want the best for its people, they are all from councils to prime ministers out to line their own pockets.
spot on June
I am given to understand that there are probably hundreds of homeswest homes in WA that are empty waiting for repairs etc and you would have to wonder over the years why the government have not put teams in and got these sorted as they have come up and filled them from the waiting list. It is surely criminal to have homes vacant for long periods of time when the needs of so many people to be housed is so dire
This apperes that council is dodging the expense of planing and building house's or accommodation for these people, it's easy to hand out a fine, than sit-down in Chambers and find the difficult decisions. They have job security and home's, theses people have nothing apart from the beginnings they can carry. Due to complex and vered circumstances that the councilors refuse to acknowledge. No wonder communities are angry at officialdom with no compassion, these people are not there for a holiday, thay have no other choices
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Why on earth did your son kick you out? How awful for you does he ever contact you? he should be ashamed of his self.
So sad for all these people being evicted and l agree Albanese has a lot to answer for .l too know what it's like to have nothing and l feel sorry for these poor people
The arsehole lived in you for nine months! and for how many years did you bring him up bathe him, wipe his clacker when he shit himself, educate him? the list goes on? and for it all without being recompensed, ungrateful little bastard.
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I am given to understand that there are probably hundreds of homeswest homes in WA that are empty waiting for repairs etc and you would have to wonder over the years why the government have not put teams in and got these sorted as they have come up and filled them from the waiting list. It is surely criminal to have homes vacant for long periods of time when the needs of so many people to be housed is so dire
same situation in QLD yet they waffle on about the Games in 2032. They make me heartily sick. It's got that way that only people with heaps of money count but people like us count for nothing.
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We have an election coming up maybe more hope for those who don’t choose to be homeless. As for the fines? Rubbish if they had the money to pay the fines they might not be homes less
I am given to understand that there are probably hundreds of homeswest homes in WA that are empty waiting for repairs etc and you would have to wonder over the years why the government have not put teams in and got these sorted as they have come up and filled them from the waiting list. It is surely criminal to have homes vacant for long periods of time when the needs of so many people to be housed is so dire
The same empty houses are in Wagga, supposedly nomoney for Reno's. They won't let people move in without new carpets and fresh paint. Houses in the private rental market don't get painted and new carpets between tenants.
I am sure homeless wouldn't care, a roof over their heads more important than fresh paint tec.
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