Question 1: Which country is traditionally associated with inventing the dish "sushi"?
Question 2: Where was the first man-made object to land on the surface of Mars?
The Viking 1 lander touched down in Chryse Planitia on July 20, 1976, making it the first successful landing on Mars. The lander operated until November 11, 1982, and provided the first color photographs of the Martian surface.
Question 3: The Beaufort Scale is used to measure what?
The Beaufort Scale was created by Sir Francis Beaufort in the early 1800s to estimate wind force. It ranges from 0 (calm) to 12 (hurricane). Originally it was based on the effect of the wind on a full-rigged man-of-war, the main type of ship in the Royal Navy, for which Beaufort was a Royal Navy officer.
Question 4: Who was the defense attorney in the famous O.J. Simpson murder trial?
Johnnie Cochran was the lead defense attorney in the highly publicized O.J. Simpson murder trial. His most famous line from the trial was "If it doesn't fit, you must acquit," referring to the bloody glove that did not seem to fit Simpson's hand.
Question 5: If you keep a goldfish in a dark room, what color will it eventually turn?
Goldfish kept in the dark will eventually turn white due to the lack of pigment production. Pigment production in goldfish is stimulated by light, so without light, they will gradually lose their color.
Question 6: Who was the first human to journey into outer space?
Yuri Gagarin, a Soviet astronaut, made history on April 12, 1961, when he orbited the Earth aboard the Vostok 1 spacecraft. His flight marked the first time a human had been to space and orbited the planet, beginning the era of human spaceflight.
Question 7: Why do leaves change color in the autumn?
In the fall, because of changes in the length of daylight and changes in temperature, the leaves stop their food-making process. The chlorophyll breaks down, the green color disappears, and the yellow to orange colors become visible and give the leaves part of their fall splendor. Carotenoids and anthocyanins also contribute to fall leaf colors.
Question 8: How many justices sit on the U.S Supreme Court?
The U.S Supreme Court is comprised of nine justices, one Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices. This has been the case since 1869, despite various proposals to change the number over the years.
Question 9: Who wrote the famous novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude"?
Gabriel García Márquez was a Colombian author and one of the most significant authors of the 20th century. He is considered one of the greatest writers in the Spanish language and was awarded the 1982 Nobel Prize in Literature.
Question 10: If a performer has achieved an "EGOT", it means they have won which four major entertainment awards?
An EGOT is the designation given to those few entertainers who have won an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar and a Tony Award. This acronym is used to honor artists who have reached the pinnacle in television, recording, film, and theater. As of 2022, only 17 people have achieved the EGOT, including Audrey Hepburn, Whoopi Goldberg, and John Legend.
Sushi originated in Japan as an early form of fast food and has its historical roots in preserving fish in fermented rice. The contemporary version of sushi, with vinegared rice and fresh fish, became popular by the Edo period.