Question 1: If you multiply an integer by itself and then add one, what type of number do you always get?
Question 2: In which television series would you find the fictional city of Pawnee, Indiana?
Pawnee, Indiana is the setting for NBC's hit sitcom Parks and Recreation which aired from 2009 to 2015. Though the city is fictional, it played a crucial role in the series, almost serving as an additional character.
Question 3: What mammal is featured on the Australian coat of arms?
The Australian coat of arms features a kangaroo and an emu, chosen because they are native Australian animals that can only move forward, symbolizing Australia's desire to move forward as a nation.
Question 4: Oberon is one of the moons of which planet?
Oberon is one of the moons that orbits the planet Uranus. It is Uranus's outermost and second-largest moon, with a diameter of approximately 1,522 kilometres.
Question 5: How old are the paintings in the Lascaux Cave in France estimated to be?
The Lascaux Cave, located in southwestern France, contains some of the most well-known Upper Paleolithic cave paintings. They primarily consist of images of large animals that are known from fossil evidence to have lived in the area at the time. The cave was discovered in 1940 by a teenager named Marcel Ravidat.
Question 6: What animal is the national emblem of the United States of America?
The bald eagle was chosen as the emblem of the United States of America in 1782 because of its long life, great strength, and majestic looks, and because it was then believed to exist only on this continent. Benjamin Franklin reputedly said that the bald eagle was a bird of bad moral character and that the turkey would have been a more appropriate symbol.
Question 7: Where does the name "copper" come from?
The name "copper" comes from the Latin word "cuprum", which means "from the island of Cyprus". In ancient times, Cyprus was a major producer of copper.
Question 8: If you were reading about Hogwarts, what series are you most likely reading?
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a fictional British wizarding boarding school in J.K. Rowling’s successful Harry Potter series which is the primary setting for the first six books. The castle is said to have numerous charms and spells on and around it that make it impossible for a Muggle to locate it.
Question 9: What is the smallest prime number?
The number 2 is the smallest and the only even prime number because it has exactly two distinct positive divisors: 1 and itself. Every other even number can be divided by 2, hence they are not prime.
Question 10: In the "Harry Potter" series, what is the name of Harry Potter's pet owl?
Hedwig is Harry Potter's pet Snowy Owl, who was given to Harry as an 11th birthday gift from Hagrid. Errol and Pigwidgeon are owls belonging to the Weasley family, and Crookshanks is Hermione Granger's cat.
When you square any integer (multiply it by itself) and add one, the result is always an odd number. This is because the square of an even number is always even, and the square of an odd number is always odd. Adding one to an even square makes it odd, and adding one to an odd square keeps it odd.