Australian healthcare brand outperforms weight loss drug records in clinical trials

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to be medical advice. For professional guidance, please consult a GP.

Obesity* in Australia is a significant public health concern* that has been steadily increasing over the past few years. It's a multifaceted issue influenced by various factors such as diet*, lifestyle*, genetics, and socio-economic status.

According to data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, as of 2017-2018, around two-thirds* (67 per cent) of Australian adults were classified as overweight or obese*, with rates being higher among men (74 per cent) than women (61 per cent).

As the country grapples with this crisis, the race is on to find new, effective weight loss solutions*.

Much of the attention has focused on promising new medications* like Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists (for example, Ozempic), which improve blood sugar control*.

However, an Aussie startup* is leaving billion-dollar pharmaceutical giants in the dust.

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Australian start-up Juniper claimed that drugs alone are not enough to combat weight loss. Image source: Juniper

By combining medications with personalised coaching* and support*, Juniper* consistently achieves great weight loss* results.

A recent study published in the Journal of Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism has found that Juniper's Weight Reset Program* is substantially more effective than GLP-1 medications* alone in helping patients lose significant amounts of weight.

The study revealed that Juniper's program* was 450 per cent more effective* than medications in achieving weight loss goals*.

Nearly 90 per cent* of those on Juniper's regimen lost at least 5 per cent* of their body weight within 32 weeks*, with one in four patients* losing an impressive 15 per cent or more.

In contrast, only around 20 per cent saw that level of weight loss* from the medication by itself.

While GLP-1 drugs are a significant step forward in battling obesity*, Juniper recognised a much better approach* to battle this epidemic.

That's why they pair the power of GLP-1s with one-on-one health coaching*, customised nutrition and fitness plans*, and 24/7 access to medical experts*.

Juniper's Clinical Director, Dr Matt Vickers, claimed that this emphasis on a sustainable lifestyle* change sets their program apart.

‘This study reveals that even though GLP-1 medications are often described as a “silver bullet” for weight management*, patients may achieve greater outcomes when they also receive personalised diet*, exercise* and medical guidance* from practitioners to help them change lifestyle habits* for the long-term,’ he explained.

Many think that effective weight loss treatments are an approach available only to the rich and famous who can afford a team of in-person doctors*, dietitians*, and personal trainers*.

But Juniper* is making effective obesity treatment* more accessible for everyday Aussies.

But how does the Weight Reset Program* work?

The only comprehensive digital obesity management program* in Australia starts with an online quiz* and consultation* with an accredited Australian practitioner*.

Following this, patients receive a personalised plan* delivered to their door, complete with easy-to-follow instructions* for beginning treatment at home.

Throughout the patient’s journey, Juniper* provides ongoing support* and follow-up care*, helping patients establish habits for long-term success*.

More than that, patients also have access to:

Juniper’s patients* shared their experience with the Weight Reset Program* and how it helped them achieve their ideal weight*.

‘As a mum, I’m always prioritising everybody else. This is about doing something for me,’ Trish, who has been a patient* since January 2023, said.

Meanwhile, Rosemary, who had been a patient since August 2022, stated: ‘I feel more motivated* and so much happier* within myself.’

With obesity* costing the Australian economy over $8 billion per year and driving skyrocketing rates of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease, the potential impact of Juniper's innovation* can't be stressed enough.

While pharmaceutical giants may have deeper pockets, this Aussie healthcare brand* is proving that when it comes to obesity*, a smart, localised, patient-centric approach* can more than level the playing field.

As the obesity epidemic* rages on, Juniper* offers a welcome ray of hope that we may finally have a scalable solution to help millions of Aussies reclaim their health—and their lives.

*Please note, members, that this is a sponsored article. All content that has an asterisk next to it means we may get a commission when you click on a link—at no cost to you! We do this to assist with the costs of running the SDC. Thank you!
Really. Big pharmaceutical companies screwing with our bodies. In the 80's and 90's, it was eating carbs. Now they have a fat nation of people, here you are we have a simple injection to fix it. Smell a rat anyone? Pancreas and other organs are being manipulated... it's a wild ride people... Eat and act like our grandparents. Need proof? Look at photos from 70's and before. Very few fat people in past era's.
Do not use the gym or exercise itself for weight loss. Use it to keep fit from a cardiovascular perspective and to build and maintain muscle. It's what you put in your mouth that will reduce weight. Get healthy to lose weight, not lose weight to get healthy.

Remove all types of sugar which includes fructose from the diet (berries are good), decrease carbohydrates to very low, eat more cruciferous and non-starchy vegetables, maintain a good level of moderate protein, more if you are lifting weights, consume good quality fats. Eliminate trans fats, vegetable oils which are just seed oils, all grains, and processed foods. Become a fat burner not a sugar/carb burner. Start to practise some intermittent fasting and not only give your body a break but also allow it to repair itself (autophagy).

If you are not sure about all of this then start to research for yourself. Don't listen to those that do not know anything about this but instead research credible people and clinical studies. Do not listen to the echo of the lies and misinformation (myth-information) of the past, particularly where those past lies are supported by industry and the medical profession that have a conflict of interest.

The answer in most cases is simple. Don't waste your money on services that put you on a merry-go-round and are unsustainable. Instead use the money to buy good foods and start to make it a lifestyle. Depending on your age, physical impairments or capability including good levels of activity is vital.

Remember good food is medicine, bad food needs medicine.
Do not use the gym or exercise itself for weight loss. Use it to keep fit from a cardiovascular perspective and to build and maintain muscle. It's what you put in your mouth that will reduce weight. Get healthy to lose weight, not lose weight to get healthy.

Remove all types of sugar which includes fructose from the diet (berries are good), decrease carbohydrates to very low, eat more cruciferous and non-starchy vegetables, maintain a good level of moderate protein, more if you are lifting weights, consume good quality fats. Eliminate trans fats, vegetable oils which are just seed oils, all grains, and processed foods. Become a fat burner not a sugar/carb burner. Start to practise some intermittent fasting and not only give your body a break but also allow it to repair itself (autophagy).

If you are not sure about all of this then start to research for yourself. Don't listen to those that do not know anything about this but instead research credible people and clinical studies. Do not listen to the echo of the lies and misinformation (myth-information) of the past, particularly where those past lies are supported by industry and the medical profession that have a conflict of interest.

The answer in most cases is simple. Don't waste your money on services that put you on a merry-go-round and are unsustainable. Instead use the money to buy good foods and start to make it a lifestyle. Depending on your age, physical impairments or capability including good levels of activity is vital.

Remember good food is medicine, bad food needs medicine.
Agree with all you wrote. As for clinical studies. Not all are equal, read one yesterday that stated "Intermittent Fast" was causing cardiovascular problems and killing people. Deep dive into the report and its back by pharmaceutical companies. Because healthy habits deny them the chance to sell more drugs.
Common sense, including the need to be careful with food choices and to exercise, is the way to go - combined with drugs like Ozempic to control hunger. Simply urging obese people to eat less, without any help to control hunger, has proved an abject failure. So easy for those blessed with a metabolism that results in slimness to give ill-informed advice to obese people. News flash - not all obese people eat rubbish and sit around all day! Genetics is a huge determinant on weight.
Not for everyone. I did the quiz and was told because I have suffered from Binge Eating Disorder for almost my entire life, Juniper would not be suitable for me. While I appreciate the honesty, it would have been nice to have some different approaches suggested for me to investigate. Instead, I just feel like I've been put in the "too hard" basket yet again.
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Really. Big pharmaceutical companies screwing with our bodies. In the 80's and 90's, it was eating carbs. Now they have a fat nation of people, here you are we have a simple injection to fix it. Smell a rat anyone? Pancreas and other organs are being manipulated... it's a wild ride people... Eat and act like our grandparents. Need proof? Look at photos from 70's and before. Very few fat people in past era's.
I agree. Our grandparents had active lives, my grandmother walked everywhere. They grew their own food , home cooked meals, made her own bread, had their own chickens, didn’t drink much alcohol. Nana lived to 94!
Not for everyone. I did the quiz and was told because I have suffered from Binge Eating Disorder for almost my entire life, Juniper would not be suitable for me. While I appreciate the honesty, it would have been nice to have some different approaches suggested for me to investigate. Instead, I just feel like I've been put in the "too hard" basket yet again.
I dont think binge eating would stop you having ozempic but you should get it through your Gp. It’s only indicated for Diabetes type two treatment and has amazing results in weight loss. But It can be used for morbid obesity but does have side effects. it has been prescribed off label for non diabetics and there is a world wide shortage due to social media influencers encouraging people to take it. Also there are dodgy companies selling a compounded product online for exorbitant prices. This is a red liquid that is being sent out and may not have the active ingredient and may be unsafe.
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Agree with all you wrote. As for clinical studies. Not all are equal, read one yesterday that stated "Intermittent Fast" was causing cardiovascular problems and killing people. Deep dive into the report and its back by pharmaceutical companies. Because healthy habits deny them the chance to sell more drugs.
Hi Baz, yes that's certainly true. I read that item as well and then researched more and saw it had been de-bunked. I definitely agree with you that you have to be careful what you read and research. You also have to be mindful on how clinical studies have been done. There have been quite a few on this site that have gone against what I have written above. The purpose of my postings is to make people think and to try and find out for themselves. I have been eating this lifestyle for over 5 years now. I am 66 and work out at the gym most days. My weight is where it should be, and my blood panels are fine. I continue to study this and try and help people wherever I can. I have helped many to get back on track and from all accounts a lot has improved for them. This type of eating lifestyle can also assist in preventing many neurodegenerative diseases. It can also help in slowing the disease for those who have it. However ever, again I was canned for it on this site by some. I think at the end of the day people don't want to accept it as it is inconvenient to them, and they still hold on to what was the norm many years ago.

It would seem that you have engaged with this lifestyle of eating well and are doing well as a result. Well done and stay well and enjoy.

Kind Regards
Easy - close the mouth and not eat so much and don't buy junk food.
Go out for walks.
This epidemic of obesity is causing people to get more illnesses, like cancer !! 🤫🥺
Yes agreed. 67% obesity in Australia and Dementia also on the rise. In some countries it's being referred to as Type 3 Diabetes.
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Hi Baz, yes that's certainly true. I read that item as well and then researched more and saw it had been de-bunked. I definitely agree with you that you have to be careful what you read and research. You also have to be mindful on how clinical studies have been done. There have been quite a few on this site that have gone against what I have written above. The purpose of my postings is to make people think and to try and find out for themselves. I have been eating this lifestyle for over 5 years now. I am 66 and work out at the gym most days. My weight is where it should be, and my blood panels are fine. I continue to study this and try and help people wherever I can. I have helped many to get back on track and from all accounts a lot has improved for them. This type of eating lifestyle can also assist in preventing many neurodegenerative diseases. It can also help in slowing the disease for those who have it. However ever, again I was canned for it on this site by some. I think at the end of the day people don't want to accept it as it is inconvenient to them, and they still hold on to what was the norm many years ago.

It would seem that you have engaged with this lifestyle of eating well and are doing well as a result. Well done and stay well and enjoy.

Kind Regards
Hi Jope. As we know in life's experiences. If it works it works. Unfortunately, any social media seems to attract people whom like to abuse. Many well wishes and thank you.
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I agree. Our grandparents had active lives, my grandmother walked everywhere. They grew their own food , home cooked meals, made her own bread, had their own chickens, didn’t drink much alcohol. Nana lived to 94!
Agree with most of what you said, however, not the drinking much alcohol, my great grandmother was also 94 when we lost her however she drank and smoked all her life, when she passed away peacfully in her bed one night she had outlived more than 4 doctors who kept telling her that her smoking and drinking every day would kill her, as well as 3 husbands who may have also said the same thing as her former doctors but we will never know now!
Agree with most of what you said, however, not the drinking much alcohol, my great grandmother was also 94 when we lost her however she drank and smoked all her life, when she passed away peacfully in her bed one night she had outlived more than 4 doctors who kept telling her that her smoking and drinking every day would kill her, as well as 3 husbands who may have also said the same thing as her former doctors but we will never know now!
sounds like your grandmother had good genes as the drinking and smoking habits have affected a lot of people
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Agree with most of what you said, however, not the drinking much alcohol, my great grandmother was also 94 when we lost her however she drank and smoked all her life, when she passed away peacfully in her bed one night she had outlived more than 4 doctors who kept telling her that her smoking and drinking every day would kill her, as well as 3 husbands who may have also said the same thing as her former doctors but we will never

Agree with most of what you said, however, not the drinking much alcohol, my great grandmother was also 94 when we lost her however she drank and smoked all her life, when she passed away peacfully in her bed one night she had outlived more than 4 doctors who kept telling her that her smoking and drinking every day would kill her, as well as 3 husbands who may have also said the same thing as her former doctors but we will never know now!
I think genetics have a lot to do with it, yet others never drink and smoke and get cancer very early in life. Life is a lottery. Passing away in one's sleep, what a wonderful way to go. My mother in law passed in her sleep as well.
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