If you like shifter stories check out Zoe Chant, she has a megalodon character in one series and several different Australian ones including a diprotodon, a kangaroo and a "bin chicken" who's a bit of a villain in the "Outback Shifter series" One other character is an extinct species of Kangaroo...
Hudson & Rex - Canadian version set in St John's Newfoundland based on the original Inspector Rex series from Austria. Found on SBS. SBS On Demand has a lot of episodes from the 6 series so far.
Sun over Venice
It had been a rainy/stormy day, then it settled down and the sun shone over Venice. Taken from our cruise ship berthed at Fusina, outside Venice. Cruise ships generally cannot dock in Venice any more.
Added difficulty in hospital of all places. Gluten Free offerings are drowned in sauce/dressing, sandwiches are disgusting - they can't even produce one decent thing from my experience.
BeConnected - esafety and learning
The Australian Government site BeConnected https://beconnected.esafety.gov.au/ is an excellent site to look for information on any Computer based/Internet topic.
It covers Apple and Android phones, Windows and Apple computers and Apple iPads as well as other...
Looking for info on using phones/tablets etc try Beconnected.esafety.gov.au or the Telstra Techonology for Seniors program telstra.com.au/tech-savvy-seniors
After a flight where I was given a large plate of curried chick peas and rice whose appearance made me want to throw up I have now added curry to my can't eat list!
Many years ago in Louisiana USA I did a swamp tour. They fed the alligators (and at least one raccoon) marshmallows!
Crocodile cruise in Costa Rica - much smaller crocodiles - they were not feeding them at all
Last time I did a crocodile cruise in Australia we were still feeding them meat.