SDC Team Weekly Recap #5

Good morning! How have you all been this week? We thought we’d check in and give you some insight into lives and what’s happening behind the scenes at the SDC!

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The SDC team looking back in time. Source: Open AI


Hi there folks! I mentioned in the Thursday afternoon newsletter that I’d been diagnosed with sleep apnea and have been trying to get into the habit of wearing a CPAP machine for the last week or so. Boy, has it been a challenge, and I’m still not even close to getting used to it. I would, however, like to say a special thank you to everyone who emailed me with tips and messages of support - it really meant a lot.

This weekend, we’re off to a friend’s birthday party, and it’s fancy dress! I think it’s been at least 10 years since I’ve done anything like that, so I’m both excited and a little nervous. The theme is that you have to come as a famous character that has a name beginning with the same letter as yours, so I’ve chosen to go as Long John Silver, or Jack Sparrow - I haven’t quite decided yet. If any of you see someone wandering around the inner west of Sydney on Saturday night with an eye patch, a hook, and a pirate’s hat… Well, I’d say come and say hello, but the inner west can be a bit strange, so it might not actually be me…


Oh dear members, I think this week has led me to lose the plot! It’s been a bit of a hectic week, we’ve had April on leave because she’s moving to Sydney (yay!), and we’ve also been trialling Sethia in a new role which involves writing our afternoon newsletters which is super exciting! But it has also meant lots of work and late nights!

I think the highlight of my week so far has been my fluster of a morning on Friday when I thought I had booked to go out for dinner with one of my closest friends for her birthday, but I couldn’t find the confirmation email for the booking. So I called the restaurant to check, and sure enough, they had nothing in their system with my name on it.

So of course, I asked them if they could fit me in and they said yes! Then I message my friend and she tells me that’s because I never organised the booking… She did. So I had to call the restaurant back and apologise, cancel my booking and explain that I never booked in the first place, my friend did! Safe to say, I think they think I’m a little bit crazy.

Anyway, we all do crazy things now and then eh?


This week was a pretty normal week for me. Nothing much happened out of the ordinary. The only thing to note is that my friends and I will be playing badminton this weekend. I'm really looking forward to playing, as it's been a while since I last played. Fun fact about me: I was a school athlete in high school and used to play badminton and volleyball competitively. I was pretty good, if I can say so myself. I once won money in a tournament and used it to buy myself a new racket. It's one of my prized possessions. But the sad thing is that it's missing right now. I'm not entirely sure if I misplaced it or if someone stole it, but I hope I can find it soon.

With that, I learned this week that it's important to keep track of your things, especially things that are valuable to you. I would recommend that everyone designate a place for their important items and make sure to put them back in that spot after using them. This way, you'll always know where they are, and you won't have to go through the hassle of looking for them like I am right now.

I regret not doing this with my racket. I just ignored it when it was in my room, and now that it's gone, I realize how much I took it for granted. I hope I can find it soon.

So that's my week in a nutshell. Not too exciting, but still pretty good nonetheless. I'm looking forward to the weekend, and hopefully, I can find my racket.


The lovely April is on leave as she’s moving to Sydney with Jon and Maddie! 🎉 She’ll be back next week, we promise!


Hello! Well, this is a quick one but I stumbled upon this TikTok video narrating the story of Oscar the Cat.

Source: @andyyjiang

It was said that Oscar can basically predict the death of the residents in a nursing home where he was adopted as a therapy cat.

Oscar the cat pictured. Source: Land of Cats

The cat is introverted so whenever he 'comforts' even a seemingly healthy resident, the resident passes away in an hour or two. While some people said that the cat acts like a 'Grim Reaper', some speculated that the cat was able to sense the dying cells of a person (maybe through smell…if there's such a thing).

I honestly don't know what to feel about this haha. But one thing is certain, I don't want Oscar to get near me yet 😩


Hello, everyoneeee! As Maddie mentioned, I’ve been trialling for a new role this week. Although I was a nervous wreck at first, I think I’m slowly getting the hang of it! I’ve got to say, I actually really enjoy writing the newsie and am hoping that you all like it too. Maybe learning new things and firsts in general are just meant to be a little scary, you know?

So my recommendation this week is to learn something new too! Take up a random art class or join a club you’ve always been interested in – go out of your comfort zone and try something you have never done before.

Aside from that, all I’ve been doing is watching cat videos during my free time. Spare me from your judgement… It’s quite fun and you’ll understand me if you watch one of my favourite TikTok videos this week below:

Source: @maseplace


Actually, I haven't had much going on this week. Aside from going to work, I spent most of my time at home, and like Sethia from last week, I made an effort to start working out regularly.

I've recently invested in some home gym equipment in the hopes that it will push me on to actually use it and engage in some light weightlifting and workout when I have some free time.

Happy to report that it's been fairly fruitful thus far; let's hope this trend continues in the coming weeks!

How was your week, members? We’d love to read your highlights (or lowlights - it happens sometimes) down below! Do you like these weekly recaps? We could move to once a month if you’d prefer or we can substitute it for another news story. Totally up to you all!
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Good morning! How have you all been this week? We thought we’d check in and give you some insight into lives and what’s happening behind the scenes at the SDC!

View attachment 7608
The SDC team looking back in time. Source: Open AI


Hi there folks! I mentioned in the Thursday afternoon newsletter that I’d been diagnosed with sleep apnea and have been trying to get into the habit of wearing a CPAP machine for the last week or so. Boy, has it been a challenge, and I’m still not even close to getting used to it. I would, however, like to say a special thank you to everyone who emailed me with tips and messages of support - it really meant a lot.

This weekend, we’re off to a friend’s birthday party, and it’s fancy dress! I think it’s been at least 10 years since I’ve done anything like that, so I’m both excited and a little nervous. The theme is that you have to come as a famous character that has a name beginning with the same letter as yours, so I’ve chosen to go as Long John Silver, or Jack Sparrow - I haven’t quite decided yet. If any of you see someone wandering around the inner west of Sydney on Saturday night with an eye patch, a hook, and a pirate’s hat… Well, I’d say come and say hello, but the inner west can be a bit strange, so it might not actually be me…


Oh dear members, I think this week has led me to lose the plot! It’s been a bit of a hectic week, we’ve had April on leave because she’s moving to Sydney (yay!), and we’ve also been trialling Sethia in a new role which involves writing our afternoon newsletters which is super exciting! But it has also meant lots of work and late nights!

I think the highlight of my week so far has been my fluster of a morning on Friday when I thought I had booked to go out for dinner with one of my closest friends for her birthday, but I couldn’t find the confirmation email for the booking. So I called the restaurant to check, and sure enough, they had nothing in their system with my name on it.

So of course, I asked them if they could fit me in and they said yes! Then I message my friend and she tells me that’s because I never organised the booking… She did. So I had to call the restaurant back and apologise, cancel my booking and explain that I never booked in the first place, my friend did! Safe to say, I think they think I’m a little bit crazy.

Anyway, we all do crazy things now and then eh?


This week was a pretty normal week for me. Nothing much happened out of the ordinary. The only thing to note is that my friends and I will be playing badminton this weekend. I'm really looking forward to playing, as it's been a while since I last played. Fun fact about me: I was a school athlete in high school and used to play badminton and volleyball competitively. I was pretty good, if I can say so myself. I once won money in a tournament and used it to buy myself a new racket. It's one of my prized possessions. But the sad thing is that it's missing right now. I'm not entirely sure if I misplaced it or if someone stole it, but I hope I can find it soon.

With that, I learned this week that it's important to keep track of your things, especially things that are valuable to you. I would recommend that everyone designate a place for their important items and make sure to put them back in that spot after using them. This way, you'll always know where they are, and you won't have to go through the hassle of looking for them like I am right now.

I regret not doing this with my racket. I just ignored it when it was in my room, and now that it's gone, I realize how much I took it for granted. I hope I can find it soon.

So that's my week in a nutshell. Not too exciting, but still pretty good nonetheless. I'm looking forward to the weekend, and hopefully, I can find my racket.


The lovely April is on leave as she’s moving to Sydney with Jon and Maddie! 🎉 She’ll be back next week, we promise!


Hello! Well, this is a quick one but I stumbled upon this TikTok video narrating the story of Oscar the Cat.

Source: @andyyjiang

It was said that Oscar can basically predict the death of the residents in a nursing home where he was adopted as a therapy cat.

View attachment 7601
Oscar the cat pictured. Source: Land of Cats

The cat is introverted so whenever he 'comforts' even a seemingly healthy resident, the resident passes away in an hour or two. While some people said that the cat acts like a 'Grim Reaper', some speculated that the cat was able to sense the dying cells of a person (maybe through smell…if there's such a thing).

I honestly don't know what to feel about this haha. But one thing is certain, I don't want Oscar to get near me yet 😩


Hello, everyoneeee! As Maddie mentioned, I’ve been trialling for a new role this week. Although I was a nervous wreck at first, I think I’m slowly getting the hang of it! I’ve got to say, I actually really enjoy writing the newsie and am hoping that you all like it too. Maybe learning new things and firsts in general are just meant to be a little scary, you know?

So my recommendation this week is to learn something new too! Take up a random art class or join a club you’ve always been interested in – go out of your comfort zone and try something you have never done before.

Aside from that, all I’ve been doing is watching cat videos during my free time. Spare me from your judgement… It’s quite fun and you’ll understand me if you watch one of my favourite TikTok videos this week below:

Source: @maseplace


Actually, I haven't had much going on this week. Aside from going to work, I spent most of my time at home, and like Sethia from last week, I made an effort to start working out regularly.

I've recently invested in some home gym equipment in the hopes that it will push me on to actually use it and engage in some light weightlifting and workout when I have some free time.

Happy to report that it's been fairly fruitful thus far; let's hope this trend continues in the coming weeks!

How was your week, members? We’d love to read your highlights (or lowlights - it happens sometimes) down below! Do you like these weekly recaps? We could move to once a month if you’d prefer or we can substitute it for another news story. Totally up to you all!

Set small goals and you will climb to new heights ✨
I enjoyed reading about your week.
I've had success by sleeping with two pillows for sleep apnea. It's a simple fix.
I was looking forward to having my grandchildren for a sleepover last night but their parents took them camping instead.
They had slept over on Friday night so I wasn't too disappointed, and I actually enjoyed the quiet evening and sleep in.
My biggest event this week was bulk rubbish collection. I'd dismantled an old shed and got rid of the structure. I was as happy as if it was Christmas to see my clean front lawn again after a week of clutter.
This next week is Christmas shopping as WA runs out of popular items quickly.
Have a great week everyone!
I have already replied weeks ago about
Good morning! How have you all been this week? We thought we’d check in and give you some insight into lives and what’s happening behind the scenes at the SDC!

View attachment 7608
The SDC team looking back in time. Source: Open AI


Hi there folks! I mentioned in the Thursday afternoon newsletter that I’d been diagnosed with sleep apnea and have been trying to get into the habit of wearing a CPAP machine for the last week or so. Boy, has it been a challenge, and I’m still not even close to getting used to it. I would, however, like to say a special thank you to everyone who emailed me with tips and messages of support - it really meant a lot.

This weekend, we’re off to a friend’s birthday party, and it’s fancy dress! I think it’s been at least 10 years since I’ve done anything like that, so I’m both excited and a little nervous. The theme is that you have to come as a famous character that has a name beginning with the same letter as yours, so I’ve chosen to go as Long John Silver, or Jack Sparrow - I haven’t quite decided yet. If any of you see someone wandering around the inner west of Sydney on Saturday night with an eye patch, a hook, and a pirate’s hat… Well, I’d say come and say hello, but the inner west can be a bit strange, so it might not actually be me…


Oh dear members, I think this week has led me to lose the plot! It’s been a bit of a hectic week, we’ve had April on leave because she’s moving to Sydney (yay!), and we’ve also been trialling Sethia in a new role which involves writing our afternoon newsletters which is super exciting! But it has also meant lots of work and late nights!

I think the highlight of my week so far has been my fluster of a morning on Friday when I thought I had booked to go out for dinner with one of my closest friends for her birthday, but I couldn’t find the confirmation email for the booking. So I called the restaurant to check, and sure enough, they had nothing in their system with my name on it.

So of course, I asked them if they could fit me in and they said yes! Then I message my friend and she tells me that’s because I never organised the booking… She did. So I had to call the restaurant back and apologise, cancel my booking and explain that I never booked in the first place, my friend did! Safe to say, I think they think I’m a little bit crazy.

Anyway, we all do crazy things now and then eh?


This week was a pretty normal week for me. Nothing much happened out of the ordinary. The only thing to note is that my friends and I will be playing badminton this weekend. I'm really looking forward to playing, as it's been a while since I last played. Fun fact about me: I was a school athlete in high school and used to play badminton and volleyball competitively. I was pretty good, if I can say so myself. I once won money in a tournament and used it to buy myself a new racket. It's one of my prized possessions. But the sad thing is that it's missing right now. I'm not entirely sure if I misplaced it or if someone stole it, but I hope I can find it soon.

With that, I learned this week that it's important to keep track of your things, especially things that are valuable to you. I would recommend that everyone designate a place for their important items and make sure to put them back in that spot after using them. This way, you'll always know where they are, and you won't have to go through the hassle of looking for them like I am right now.

I regret not doing this with my racket. I just ignored it when it was in my room, and now that it's gone, I realize how much I took it for granted. I hope I can find it soon.

So that's my week in a nutshell. Not too exciting, but still pretty good nonetheless. I'm looking forward to the weekend, and hopefully, I can find my racket.


The lovely April is on leave as she’s moving to Sydney with Jon and Maddie! 🎉 She’ll be back next week, we promise!


Hello! Well, this is a quick one but I stumbled upon this TikTok video narrating the story of Oscar the Cat.

Source: @andyyjiang

It was said that Oscar can basically predict the death of the residents in a nursing home where he was adopted as a therapy cat.

View attachment 7601
Oscar the cat pictured. Source: Land of Cats

The cat is introverted so whenever he 'comforts' even a seemingly healthy resident, the resident passes away in an hour or two. While some people said that the cat acts like a 'Grim Reaper', some speculated that the cat was able to sense the dying cells of a person (maybe through smell…if there's such a thing).

I honestly don't know what to feel about this haha. But one thing is certain, I don't want Oscar to get near me yet 😩


Hello, everyoneeee! As Maddie mentioned, I’ve been trialling for a new role this week. Although I was a nervous wreck at first, I think I’m slowly getting the hang of it! I’ve got to say, I actually really enjoy writing the newsie and am hoping that you all like it too. Maybe learning new things and firsts in general are just meant to be a little scary, you know?

So my recommendation this week is to learn something new too! Take up a random art class or join a club you’ve always been interested in – go out of your comfort zone and try something you have never done before.

Aside from that, all I’ve been doing is watching cat videos during my free time. Spare me from your judgement… It’s quite fun and you’ll understand me if you watch one of my favourite TikTok videos this week below:

Source: @maseplace


Actually, I haven't had much going on this week. Aside from going to work, I spent most of my time at home, and like Sethia from last week, I made an effort to start working out regularly.

I've recently invested in some home gym equipment in the hopes that it will push me on to actually use it and engage in some light weightlifting and workout when I have some free time.

Happy to report that it's been fairly fruitful thus far; let's hope this trend continues in the coming weeks!

How was your week, members? We’d love to read your highlights (or lowlights - it happens sometimes) down below! Do you like these weekly recaps? We could move to once a month if you’d prefer or we can substitute it for another news story. Totally up to you all!

I have already made a reply about your weekly updates so will not do so again. Thankyou everyone for taking time to share with us.

Some people live colourful lives as l believe can be demonstrated by staff writers of SDC. Looking forward to reading more from you Sethia. Best wishes in your new role. Hang in there Jon, many of us know how hard a CPAP machine is to get used to. Maddie l always imagined you as a young person so why are suffering from something us older folk have? Hope everything was o.k. in the end.

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