Extend the life of your supermarket potted herbs with this simple trick!

Supermarket potted herbs are convenient and cost-effective for culinary enthusiasts to keep fresh herbs at their fingertips.

However, disappointment often ensues when these herbs eventually wither.

Don't let your bay, basil, or parsley die on the kitchen window sill any longer. Here’s the tip you need!

Supermarket herbs in little pots are typically grown in artificial conditions and are designed to look full and healthy upon purchase.

However, they're often overcrowded and planted in low-quality compost, limiting their longevity.

Joe, the resident gardening hero behind the widely followed social media account Joe’s Garden, provided some gardening advice relating to pre-planted herbs.

Growing potted herbs at home ensures a fresh and sustainable supply of culinary enhancements. Image Credit: New Africa/Shuttershock

‘A lot of plants bought at garden centres, nurseries and supermarkets are often grown and sold in tiny pots with bad quality compost, but more importantly, there is another massive issue,’ he shared.

‘They often sow multiple plants in one small pot, meaning they are fighting for nutrients, moisture and light.’

For the potted herbs, it's a botanical battle royale, and, more often than not, there can be no winner.

Enter Joe’s advice, which may improve the survival of store-bought plants in your kitchen garden.

His solution to prevent your coriander or thyme from dying? Giving them a lot more space.

‘Pop your fresh herbs out of the pot and gently rub away the soil,’ he said, taking care not to damage the roots of an herb for transfer.

‘Simply transplant [each herb] into their own pot, giving them a much better chance at survival and giving you some free plants.’

Joe also provided a strategic snipping tip to promote bushier growth.

‘Then when it comes to harvesting, snip just above these two side shoots… which will allow your herbs to bush out... That way you can enjoy an unlimited supply of garden herbs,’ he shared.

Source: Instagram

Trimming the plant just above a set of growing leaves encourages the herb to branch out rather than shoot up, leading to greater volume and more to harvest over time.

Replant your separated seedlings with a generous 15 centimetres or so between each, and they'll have room to flourish.

While it is possible to grow many varieties of herbs in a single container, there are a few considerations to remember.

For optimal results, check that all the herbs chosen have similar light and water requirements. You shouldn't mix plants that thrive in poorly drained soil with herbs that require constant moisture.

Planting mint in its own pot is another concern to remember, too. This is because mint is a herb that tends to creep up, and it has a tendency to take over the garden bed with its roots.

Key Takeaways

  • Potted supermarket herbs often die quickly because they're grown in tiny pots with multiple plants competing for resources.
  • A solution is to separate the seedlings and plant them individually in a good-quality potting mix to allow each to thrive.
  • Proper harvesting by snipping just above the side shoots can lead to bushier growth and a more sustainable herb supply.
  • When planting herbs together, ensure they have similar water and light needs, and plant mint separately, as it can take over a garden bed with its invasive growth.
Have you tried Joe’s trick with supermarket herbs? Or do you have other tips to share? Feel free to comment below.
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Thankyou for the tips Joe. Never thought of doing these little things before to extend the lifetime of herbs.

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