Recent content by Tactful

  1. Tactful

    20.05.2024 - What’s On TV Tonight?

    We don't do streaming or pay TV. It's all a waste of money. Instead, we put on our favourite music and read or do puzzles or jigsaws. My hubby and I get good quality time together.
  2. Tactful

    AIBU 20.05.2024

    These two are not real friends if they belittle you behind your back. I'd do the same thing. Would I give a reason? Yes, my real friends are not derogative about me. I think our so called friendship is done. Have a nice life.
  3. Tactful

    Safe and sound: Expert advice for a hygienic hotel experience

    We check our room out and if its not up to par we ask for another. I always take anti bacterial wipes with me and do a clean myself.
  4. Tactful

    Brewing dissent: Man stirs cold treatment from his wife after breaking this ‘unspoken rule’

    His wife is being stupid. When I order a meal I always order a coffee and table water. It's not a rule, just a two bob snob wife.
  5. Tactful

    Is this ‘pretty’ flower taking over your yard? Here's what you need to know!

    I have these growing in the miniature form. I am more concerned about camphor laurel and oleander before these.
  6. Tactful

    'They've outpriced us': Mum unearths $280 find at Salvation Army

    My local op shops don't take this type of goods. If it needs a lot of cleaning etc they reject the goods. Apparently it's a health and safety issue.
  7. Tactful

    Homework headache ignites parental fury: ‘Teach your kid that adults can be wrong too’

    Oxford Dictionary definition of Ideal - 1. Satisfying one's conception of what is perfect most suitable 'The swimming pool is ideal for a quick dip'. It is most certainly not interesting. The teacher is wrong.
  8. Tactful

    'I am never serving them again!': Shocking act leads waitress to make a drastic vow

    Before we head to a foreign country, we always check what the customs are, such as tipping. Not tipping in North America is an insult to the wait staff, they get paid a pittance for the work they do and tips are what they actually live on. It is plain ignorance and disregard for the workers in...
  9. Tactful

    Welfare boost on the horizon: Treasurer hints at significant increase ahead of federal budget

    Julia Gillard made the remark whilst Prime Minister, Those over 65 yrs should just hurry up and die, they would no longer be a burden on society. Mind you says that woman who sits on a very nice Parliamentry Pension for life. The Age Pension was meant to be 75% of the basic male wage, this was...
  10. Tactful

    Ask Joy: Negotiating Your Rights And Wishes

    is imperative we talk about life changing events and death as a normal part of conversations. My father was big on we 6 kids making wills when we turned 16. I changed my will when I got married as did my husband. We are both in our 70's and as part of our ongoing 5 year plans revisited our...
  11. Tactful

    Bride shocks friends with unexpected, 'tacky' move

    Perhaps this now replaces kitchen teas etc. Family and friends not being invited to the wedding were all invited to these instead. When I was a bride, I actually explained to my invitees I wanted them included but could not afford the wedding reception. My kitchen tea included an invite to our...
  12. Tactful

    Grandmother in disbelief as her daughter commits unthinkable act with grandchild's boyfriend

    The daughter should ditch both the boyfriend and the mother. Both were willing participants in this action. The mother has lost the respect and love of her daughter. If gran can take her granddaughter in for a while it will give her some love and stability.
  13. Tactful

    We need more than police checks: how parents and educators can keep childcare services safe from abuse

    We actually need parents to pay more attention to what their children do online and monitor them. We also need to have far more teeth in our laws, there is no cure for a paedophile, the only way to stop them is have a death sentence. These creeps, both male and female do not deserve a 2nd...
  14. Tactful

    Members user names and how they came about

    Mine is Tactful which is a family nickname
  15. Tactful

    Migrating birds could bring lethal avian flu to Australia’s vulnerable birds

    Cane toads were deliberately imported from South America without knowing the consequences. Migration of birds is normal and part of nature, unless you kill off all the birds that migrate here and return to their northern hemisphere homes you will not be able to stop avian flu. Your response...
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