Stop the Transition to All Self-Serve Checkouts and Preserve Vital Customer Service Jobs


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Seniors Discount Club


The increasing trend towards all self-serve checkouts in Australian supermarkets and retail stores is causing significant job loss and customer dissatisfaction. By relying on self-serve checkouts, businesses are eliminating essential customer service roles, leaving many unemployed and stripping the human element from the shopping experience.

Moreover, self-serve checkouts often pose difficulties for the elderly, disabled, and those who need assistance. Preserving traditional checkouts and customer service roles within our stores is vital not only for our economy and job market but also for maintaining a helpful and inclusive atmosphere.

By stopping the transition to all self-serve checkouts, we can:

  1. Preserve crucial customer service jobs and reduce unemployment.
  2. Ensure that essential assistance is available to those who need it, including the elderly, disabled, and customers with special needs.
  3. Maintain a positive and inclusive shopping experience that values human interaction.
  4. Encourage businesses to invest in the growth of their workforce, rather than replacing it with automation.
  5. Foster a strong, community-oriented Australia that values and supports its citizens in all aspects of their lives.

Please sign this petition and join us in calling on major Australian retailers and the government to stop the transition to all self-serve checkouts, and instead, maintain a balance between automation and human service. Together, we can make a difference in protecting vital roles within our workforce and ensuring a shopping experience that maintains human connections.

Petition Letter

To Whom It May Concern:

The transition to all self-serve checkouts in Australia's supermarkets and retail stores is a concerning trend that threatens both our workforce and the quality of the shopping experience for many customers. While self-serve checkouts offer a level of convenience for some, this innovation should not come at the cost of jobs and essential assistance for those who need it.

We, the undersigned, call on major Australian retailers and the government to stop the rapid move towards all self-serve checkouts and ensure that traditional checkouts and customer service roles continue to exist alongside automation.

To achieve these goals, we ask major Australian retailers and the government to:

  1. Maintain a balance between self-serve checkouts and traditional checkouts staffed by human employees.
  2. Conduct regular assessments of the impact of automation on workforce and customer satisfaction.
  3. Develop strategies that prioritize the integration of self-serve checkouts alongside existing customer service roles, rather than replacing them.

As a nation, we value strong community ties and the interconnectedness that comes from human interaction. By resisting the trend towards all self-serve checkouts, we can protect jobs, provide assistance to those who need it, and ensure a future where automation complements our workforce, rather than displacing it.

Yours Sincerely,
The Members of the Seniors Discount Club