Protect the Right to Use Cash and Ensure Financial Inclusivity for All Australians


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Seniors Discount Club


The increasing trend towards a cashless society in Australia is causing significant concern and inconvenience for many, particularly seniors and those without access to digital payment methods. By relying solely on credit/debit cards and digital transactions, businesses are alienating a substantial portion of the population and creating unnecessary barriers to participation in the economy.

Moreover, the shift away from cash poses difficulties for the elderly, unbanked, and those who prefer the security and tangibility of physical currency. Preserving the right to use cash in all businesses is vital not only for maintaining financial inclusivity but also for protecting individual freedom and privacy.

By ensuring that businesses continue to accept cash payments, we can:

  1. Protect the financial autonomy and privacy of all Australians, regardless of their age, socioeconomic status, or technological proficiency.
  2. Ensure that essential goods and services remain accessible to those who rely on cash, including the elderly, unbanked, and individuals without credit/debit cards. Maintain a diverse and inclusive economy that accommodates the needs and preferences of all citizens.
  3. Encourage businesses to cater to the widest possible customer base, rather than excluding segments of the population.
  4. Foster a strong, united Australia that values and supports the rights of all its citizens in their financial transactions.

Please sign this petition and join us in calling on the Australian government to introduce legislation that requires businesses to accept cash as a form of payment, alongside digital options. Together, we can make a difference in protecting the right to use cash and ensuring a financially inclusive future for all Australians.

Petition Letter

To Whom It May Concern:

The shift towards a cashless society in Australia is a concerning trend that threatens the financial autonomy and inclusivity of many Australians, particularly seniors and those without access to digital payment methods. While digital transactions offer convenience for some, this innovation should not come at the cost of excluding segments of the population and limiting individual freedom.

We, the undersigned, call on the Australian government to introduce and pass legislation that requires businesses to accept cash as a form of payment, ensuring that all Australians can participate in the economy regardless of their preferred payment method.

To protect the rights and financial inclusivity of all Australians, we ask the government to:

  1. Introduce and pass legislation mandating that businesses accept cash payments alongside digital options.
  2. Conduct regular assessments of the impact of cashless policies on financial inclusivity and accessibility.
  3. Develop programs to educate and support individuals who may face barriers to accessing digital payment methods.

As a nation, we value a fair go for all, privacy, and the right to participate in the economy without discrimination. By protecting the right to use cash, we can ensure a future where all Australians can engage in financial transactions on their own terms, without fear of exclusion or limitation.

Yours Sincerely,

The concerned members of The Seniors Discount Club