Increase the Australian Aged Pension for a Better, Fairer Future for Our Seniors


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Seniors Discount Club


The current aged pension in Australia does not provide an adequate income for seniors to maintain a decent standard of living. As the cost of living continues to rise, many are forced to make impossible choices between essentials like food, medicine, and utilities. Some are even facing homelessness due to the high cost of housing in Australia.

Furthermore, our seniors should not have to rely on their families or charity to survive. They deserve to enjoy their retirement with dignity, without having to worry about financial stress. Our government has a responsibility to ensure that an adequate income is provided to those who have contributed to our society for decades.

By increasing the Australian aged pension, we can:

  1. Ensure that seniors can maintain a decent standard of living, without having to choose between essentials like food, medicine, and utilities.
  2. Help seniors to stay in their own homes longer, reducing the burden on aged care facilities and allowing them to live independently for as long as possible.
  3. Provide seniors with the financial security they need to enjoy their golden years, without constantly worrying about money.
  4. Demonstrate our gratitude and appreciation for the invaluable contributions our seniors have made to our society.
  5. Create a fairer, more inclusive Australia that offers a better future for all its citizens, regardless of age.

Please sign this petition and join us in calling on the Australian Government to increase the aged pension. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of our seniors and ensure they receive the support they deserve.

Petition Letter

To the Hon Mark Butler MP

Dear Minister,

Australia's seniors have spent their lives working hard, raising families, and contributing to our nation's prosperity. They have built the foundations of our society and shaped the country we live in today. However, in their golden years, many seniors are struggling to make ends meet on the current aged pension, which is simply not enough to accommodate the rising cost of living in Australia. It's time to change this injustice and show our appreciation for our seniors by increasing the Australian aged pension.

We, the undersigned, call on the Australian Government to increase the aged pension and ensure a more secure, comfortable, and dignified future for our seniors. We believe that our seniors deserve better than the current aged pension, which does not meet their basic needs.

To achieve these goals, we ask the Australian Government to:

  1. Increase the aged pension to a level that reflects the true cost of living in Australia.
  2. Regularly review and adjust the aged pension to ensure that it remains adequate in the face of rising costs.
  3. Implement policies that will support our seniors, such as affordable housing initiatives and measures to reduce the cost of essential services.

As a society, we have a responsibility to care for our seniors and ensure they can enjoy their retirement years without financial stress. By increasing the Australian aged pension, we can show our appreciation for their contributions, provide them with the financial security they deserve, and create a better, fairer future for all Australians.

Yours Sincerely,
The Members of the Seniors Discount Club