Strengthen Aged Care Support, Funding, and Transparency for a Better, Fairer Future for Our Seniors


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Seniors Discount Club


The current state of aged care in Australia is concerning. The quality of care provided to seniors in many facilities varies widely, with some residents receiving exceptional support and others left to languish in substandard conditions. Furthermore, the aged care sector is underfunded, and there is a lack of transparency regarding the operations and governing of these facilities.

By strengthening aged care support, funding, and transparency, we can:

  1. Ensure that seniors receive the appropriate care, tailored to their specific needs and preferences, regardless of which aged care facility they reside in.
  2. Increase the quality of aged care services, so seniors do not have to worry about receiving substandard care.
  3. Allocate the necessary funding to aged care facilities, allowing for improvements in staffing, resources, and infrastructure.
  4. Enhance transparency within the aged care sector, ensuring that families and residents have accurate and timely information about the quality of care provided. Enhance transparency within the aged care sector, ensuring that families and residents have accurate and timely information about the quality of care provided.
  5. Foster a more equitable environment in which all seniors have access to the high-quality care they deserve, regardless of their financial or social circumstances.

Please sign this petition and join us in calling on the Australian Government to take action in improving aged care support, funding, and transparency. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of our seniors and provide the care and respect they deserve.

Petition Letter

To the Hon Mark Butler MP

Dear Minister,

Australia's seniors have dedicated their lives to building our nation, contributing to our society, and nurturing future generations. Retirement should be a time to enjoy the fruits of their labour, yet many seniors find themselves in aged care facilities that lack adequate support, funding, and transparency. Our seniors deserve better; they deserve high-quality aged care that ensures their physical, emotional, and social well-being. It's time for the Australian Government to take action and improve aged care support, funding, and transparency in our country.

We, the undersigned, call on the Australian Government to improve aged care support, funding, and transparency, ensuring a better and fairer future for our seniors. Our seniors deserve high-quality care that meets their needs and respects their dignity.

To achieve these goals, we ask the Australian Government to:

  1. Increase funding for aged care support and services, ensuring that every senior has access to the care they require.
  2. Implement additional regulations and accreditation standards for aged care facilities, focusing on quality of care and resident's well-being.
  3. Introduce measures to create greater transparency within the aged care sector, enabling families and residents to make informed decisions about care options.
  4. Support innovative initiatives that aim to enhance the aged care experience for seniors, promoting a better quality of life in their golden years.

Our seniors deserve the best possible care during their retirement years, and it is our responsibility as a society to ensure that they receive it. By strengthening aged care support, funding, and transparency, we can create a better, fairer future for Australian seniors and show our appreciation for the contributions they have made throughout their lives.

Yours Sincerely,
The Members of the Seniors Discount Club