My experience has been that, in USA, three products stand out for their favourable pricing: alcoholic beverages; motor vehicle fuel ; firearms. It may seem appropriate for well armed seppoes to drive their gargantuan vehicles to a social event, get themselves tanked up on their host's beverages...
Look at those prices : "pie and sauce with coffee 1/9 "(one shilling ninepence); "Assorted sandwiches with coffee 2/-" (two bob). I haven't converted those amounts to current currency equivalents, but my guess is that it will now be a lot dearer.
Nice recipe Suzanne, but if your family exerts emotional coercion, forcing you to prepare such a dish, perhaps it is time to start feeding them plain boiled spinach, as a treat.
Readers should always be aware that the publication of a unilateral perspective of an incident such as this (and that which occurred previously in NSW) can result in a misguided understanding of how and why the incidents occurred. Such occurrences do not happen in a vacuum. Pre-emptory...
I think that you may have got your decades wrong. Ripple soled desert boots were the last expression of fashion of the bodgies whose styles transformed into the rockers in the early 1960s. They were usually worn with "pegged" jeans and fluorescent pink or green socks. Ripple soled desert boots...